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What Are the Astrological Houses?

Astrology can seem intimidating and complicated, but it doesn’t take an expert Astrologer to understand the significance of the Astrological houses. If you open up your mind to Astrology, you might find it a helpful guide for your success and life experiences of the past, present, and future.

The Twelve Astrological houses divide the ecliptic plane, a celestial path which the Sun follows, and all the zodiac constellations branch off of. These constellations correspond to signs that rule the twelve houses, influencing all the temperaments, experiences, and mindsets an individual will ever have in their lifetime.

Getting a basic understanding of your personalized astrological history can make the actions and decisions you take in life more secure. Learning about the twelve houses is the first step to taking control and being more aware of the unique situations you might find yourself in.

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What Are the 12 Houses of Astrology?

The twelve houses are influenced by your natal chart, an organization of astrological information based on an individual’s specific time, place, and location of birth. With these criteria, an individual can receive insight into their self-image and future in a more personalized way.

Here is a complete list of all the astrological houses in order:

  • The House of Self
  • The House of Value
  • The House of Sharing
  • The House of Home and Family
  • The House of Pleasure
  • The House of Health
  • The House of Balance
  • The House of Transformation
  • The House of Purpose
  • The House of Enterprise
  • The House of Blessings
  • The House of Sacrifice

The planets in our solar system correspond with each of the houses. Depending on the details of your birth, you can see which planet rules the many aspects of your relationships, personality, and abilities. Note that your placement varies from others and even if you share similar charts with someone else, there are things about the planetary placements in your chart that make your experiences different.

What Do Each of the 12 Houses of Astrology Mean?

what are the astrological houses - infoThe twelves houses all signify various things. These include traits, approaches to interpersonal relationships, and goals that we set for ourselves in life. Learning what each house represents can give better insight into the kind of person you are and will become as you get older.

Below are the twelve astrological houses of the zodiac and their characteristics:

House of Self

This house pertains to how others see you on the outside (your physical identity) as well as how you perceive yourself. The first house is comprised of your approaches to certain situations, your ego, and the attitude you portray to others and also have about yourself. There is a strong emphasis on consciousness and self-image.

Something special about this particular house is that it is your rising sign, better known as your ascendant. The ascendant is associated with the sign that passed over the Eastern horizon of your zodiac chart at the precise time and location you were born.

Astrologers describe this as the guide for growth and development in your younger years. This sign influences your self-perception as a child when psychological and physical development is budding. As you transition into adulthood, this sign becomes less influential, leaving a foundation for future life experiences and perceptions to take place.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign associated with this house is Aries and the ruling planet is Mars. To understand the relationship between these two you have to picture Mars as a manager and Aries as an employee. Mars has the power to influence the way Aries works.

In a more astrological sense, the ruling planet controls the character traits that the zodiac sign expresses. So, even though there is a planet that always corresponds with a specific sign, they might manifest differently depending on what your birth chart looks like. This is why everyone’s astrological chart isn’t the same even if they share similar placements within the chart.

House of Value

This house relates to material possessions and the things you value. This means physical things like gifts, cars, diamonds, or anything that is expensive and costs money. There is an important emphasis on your salary or how much money you have and with money, you can buy material things.

The importance of gaining immaterial things is also significant in the house of value. Value can be placed on love, security, and relationships which are of course things that cannot be purchased or tangibly accessed in the same way material goods can.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign associated with this house is Taurus and the ruling planet is Venus. Tauruses can be pretty headstrong and stubborn, but they mean well, and show love best through giving and receiving from others (preferably through gifts and material items).

House of Sharing

This house controls all things communication both vocally and physically. There is a stressor on how information is transmitted between individuals and the certain kinds of communication available with technology and print. This means newspapers, phones, computers, you name it!

Communication involves all aspects of life and grounds itself in interpersonal relationships, travel, education, culture, and the interpretation and receiving of information and data.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign associated with this house is Gemini and the ruling planet is Mercury. Geminis tend to be very social, intelligent, and are always up for the challenge of learning new things and collaborating with others.

House of Home and Family

This house pertains to less of the things you see but more of the things you feel and experience. For example, there is importance placed on memories, emotions, feelings, needs, and maternal instincts. Some of these aspects represent some of the most personal parts of our mind and body that we might not recognize clearly.

Something special about this house is that it is your Moon sign, which controls the way we react to the things we experience. Whichever house is your moon sign will determine your responses and how you feel about the things that happen around you and inside you.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign of this house is Cancer, and the ruling planet is the Moon. Lunar energy is closely related to maternity and femineity, which are key aspects of how Cancers maintain friendships and relationships, placing an importance on love and nurturing.

House of Pleasure

This house relates to the things that bring someone pleasure and joy. Hobbies, games, toys, activities, and desires are all super important parts of this house. A lot of the time people who are athletic, adventurous, and even a little risky correspond with this house’s foundations.

Something special about this house is that it is your Sun sign, which controls the actions you take and the reasons for the things you do.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign associated with this house is Leo and its ruling planet is the Sun. Leos tend to be natural-born leaders and are confident in the decisions they make.

House of Health

This house controls the schedules and habits you make for yourself. This is the House of Health so logically, there is a strong emphasis placed on healthy and beneficial decisions. This can manifest in a strict sleep schedule, diet, avoidance of things that can make you sick or unwell.

This can also branch out to the people in this person’s life. For example, friends and family’s health are also a concern and might make a person with this house’s influence worry about others as much as they worry about themselves.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign for this house is Virgo and its ruling planet is Mercury. Virgos tend to be very kind, giving, and loyal to others.

House of Balance

This house pertains to the relationships you maintain over time. Friends, family members, spouses, and co-workers are a huge part of this house. Preserving relationships on both a personal and work level is necessary for the values of the House of Balance.

Many different people in your life are categorized as partners and communicating, working together, and nurturing these relationships is a top priority.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign for this house is Libra and its ruling planet is Venus. Libras tend to be very well-rounded, peacemakers who desire all things in equal parts.

House of Transformation

This house relates to changes both in and out of our control. Death, sexuality, advancement, and growth are things that can affect who we become. The eighth house stresses material and monetary gains, but with a price, and letting go and moving on for personal growth. 

There is an interesting magical component of the House of Transformation that deals with mystical knowledge and intelligence as well as spiritual and karmic balance.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign for this house is Scorpio and its ruling planet is Pluto. Scorpios tend to be smart, ambitious, and, determined, traits that provide for deeper, more lasting change.

House of Purpose

This house controls aspects of ideology, opinions, views, spirituality, and religion. These, of course, lead to a higher sense of self and life purpose. There is an importance placed on gaining wisdom through experience and traveling to places around the world.

The concept of laws and world philosophies are important influences in the House of Purpose. The places you go and the things you see impact your opinions and views and over time these are subject to change.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign associated with this house is Sagittarius and its ruling planet is Jupiter. Sagittariuses enjoy unsuppressed freedom and tend to be open-mind, optimistic individuals.

House of Enterprise

This house pertains to social class systems, charity, and achievements on both a personal and societal level. Giving back to the people in your community is a constant goal and you can do this through both work and donations of time and money.

The House of Enterprise influences the success, money, and careers of an individual. They might feel responsible for themselves and others to do well, with the belief that it could help others around them.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign associated with this house is Capricorn and its ruling planet is Saturn. Capricorns tend to be persistent, hard workers who are reliable and goal-oriented.

House of Blessings

This house also values charity and friendships with people in an individual’s inner circle and external community. An emphasis on doing good deeds and humanitarian behaviors are expressed in the House of Blessings.

Loving what you do and doing what you love is a crucial foundation of this house. Also, being surround by others and working with them is foremost.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign that is associated with this house is Aquarius and its ruling planet is Uranus. Aquariuses tend to be family-oriented, visionaries who go against the rules and stick to the things they believe in.

House of Secrets

This house relates to hidden psychological aspects of the mind, including fears, dreams, aspirations, and secrets. These are things that are harbored and kept away from others. Negative situations related to fear and secrets can also be swayed by this house.

The House of Secrets also represents the end of life and situations, a more obvious and consistent aspect of the final, twelfth house. Death, spirituality, and the afterlife all relate to this final house.

Zodiac Sign and Ruling Planet

The sign associated with this house is Pisces and its ruling planet is Neptune. Pisces tend to be sympathetic, imaginative individuals.

How Can I Tell Which House is My Sun?

In Astrology, your Sun represents the exact position of the sun at an individual’s time and location of birth. Your astrological sun is also known as your star sign. Depending on where the sun shows up in your natal chart, it will determine your personality and how you express yourself as an individual.

You can tell which house is your sun by researching your birth chart. An accurate birth chart can help you understand your life’s focus and purpose better. The planet and zodiac sign associated with the house your sun is in will directly affect your personality as well.

You can click here to get an accurate birth chart with descriptions included.

Astrology Can Be Your Guide to a More Insightful Existence

Some of the most personal aspects of your life can be brought to attention with the help of Astrology. Understanding your rising sign, moon, sun and your birth chart can provide a great outline for your future, but Astrology is not the ultimate crystal ball to predict it. If you want to learn new things about yourself and you don’t know where to start, being more aware of the possibilities and taking the time to go through your personal astrological history is key.