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The Meaning of Tarot Cards Explained

Tarot cards will present you with an answer to a question. If you want to know about your love, financial, or family life, tarot cards will provide you with an answer.

Tarot cards also possess significant spiritual value. They are intended to guide you through a situation by making a spiritual connection to your life and bringing clarity to it. You can learn a lot about yourself by conducting tarot reading.

If you play your cards right, you may also get a peak at your future. Read this article and find out more about the meaning of tarot cards.

Table of Contents

What is the Meaning of Tarot Card?

Tarot cards are meant to help you appreciate your experience in the spiritual and physical world. They explain your journey, and they lay out the choices you need to make and which paths you can chose from. Each tarot card has it’s own special meaning.

A tarot card reading will give you more insight into your spiritual self and teach you what each path means. If you choose to listen to the cards, it could change your way of looking at things, and it could even affect your life.

The main principles that are of value to human life according to the tarot include the following:

  • Life and death
  • Ethical dilemmas
  • Spirituality
  • Interaction with others

The cards are meant to interact with each other and make the influences of each card clearer. The main principles can apply to any situation or choice that involves the spiritual self.

What Can You Use Tarot Cards For?

The main use of tarot cards is to give you insight and wisdom. They can tell you about your love life, your finances, family, friends and your overall journey and purpose in your life. Spiritual advisors and those who claim to be psychic use them to allow people to get a glimpse into their future.

New Age conferences and sometimes local festivals will have tarot card readers who will answer questions you may need to ask about your tarot card reading. There has been a long debate about tarot cards being a way of divine communication for the occult.

However, there are those that say that tarot cards are harmless fun. You need to be the one to decide whether they are good, evil, or somewhere in between.

What is the Most Powerful Card in the Tarot?

Tarot cards most likely originated in 15th century Northern Italy. The cultural influences of the cards came from the origins of Christian, Hebrew, and Muslim tradition. There have been many speculations that Tarot cards originated in Egypt where the gypsies practiced the Tarot to preserve their magic.

At the beginning of the 20th century, famed occultist, and magician, Aleister Crowley wrote “The book of Thoth,” which acts as a companion book for the Thoth Tarot deck.

The book of Thoth was said to have been written by Thoth, the Egyptian god of writing and knowledge. The book supposedly contains different spells, one of them allows the reader to perceive themselves as a god.

There are Christian and Hebrew symbols printed on the cards as well as various Muslim and Hindu references. There are many theories of how the Tarot cards first came into existence. The full accounting of it is not quite clear.

The most plausible theory is that Tarot cards evolved from a combination of magic and regular card games. Medieval Europe is said to be the source.

Want to learn about the best tarot card decks on the planet, then follow the link to learn more.

How do You Read Tarot Cards?

A standard deck of Tarot cards has 78 cards. 22 in the major arcana and 56 in the minor. The major arcana of cards represents major themes and lessons that the subject needs to learn about themselves.

The minor arcana of cards is separated into four suits. These suits includes wands, swords, cups, and pentacles. Each different suit represents the following:

  • Wands are cards of action
  • Swords are cards of decision making
  • Cups are cards of feelings and emotions
  • Pentacles are cards of finances

The minor arcana displays the emotions and experiences we have every day. They are more temporary than the major arcana.

Before you go to read your cards, you need to think of a question to ask the universe. When you put it out there, the universe will answer. It is important to remember what they mean. That will help you answer the question.

Then once you have your question, shuffle the deck. Pull three cards off the top of the deck and position them from left to right. You can use the cards to refer to the past, present or future, and you can also do situation, action, and outcome.

Once the cards are laid out, you will be able to see how they all relate to each other. The cards should tell a story. Then stop the reading, shuffle your deck, and pull a three-card spread. You will only get better with time and practice!

Final Thoughts

Tarot cards are meant to bring awareness to a situation or to be a guide for your love, financial or family life. You can get a tarot reading from a professional tarot reader or a spiritual advisor. 

However, you may want to avoid beach walk tarot card readings from those who advertise themselves as psychics. A good tarot card reading will give you an insight into your spiritual self, where you are, and the path you need to be on.