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Can Astrology Predictions Go Wrong? All You Must Know!

Astrology predictions are an excellent method to help guide you on the path of life. However, sometimes the predictions you get are less than ideal. If this occurs, you may find yourself being worried about pursuing them in case something goes wrong.

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Can Astrology Predictions Go Wrong? All You Must Know!

Astrology predictions can go wrong. This is usually due to a bad alignment of the planets and stars for the person asking for a prediction. Astrological signs are ruled by the planets, so if a ruling planet is in a bad place for its sign, it can mean a wrong prediction.

The following article is a more in-depth explanation of how you can still succeed in life despite bad astrological predictions. It also includes a brief explanation of how astrological predictions can be changed.

Can Astrology Predictions Be Changed?

Astrological predictions can be changed by you and you alone. While the alignment of the planets cannot be changed, your attitude and actions can cause the predictions to shift into a more positive direction.

It is true that the alignment of the stars and the planets have an effect on our astrological signs and who we are as people. For example, it’s believed in astrology that there is a message written in the stars about a person’s path in life the day they are born. While this can be used as a guide for your life, it’s not advised to wholly depend on it.

If you receive an unfavorable astrological prediction, it can be discouraging. However, astrologers also advise using your free will to make unfortunate predictions more bearable or even change the course. You still ultimately have free will despite the sign or life path you were born with, meaning you can also alter the path you are on towards a more favorable one.

Can God Change Horoscopes?

Since changing your horoscope is ultimately up to you, there is not much God can do to change your horoscope. However, you can also use faith in God as a means of encouragement to change your horoscope to something more positive.

There has always been somewhat of a disconnect between believing in God and believing in astrology. The most traditional belief is that God has condemned astrology since it’s a different belief system than traditional Christianity. However, as astrology has become more widely known and believed, some people adhere to both beliefs. Those who believe in astrology will also still believe in God, and vice versa.

Because of this, the disconnect between believing in God and astrology is beginning to close. Some astrologers believe that God created astrology as a tool to guide his subjects through their lives. The basis behind this belief is that since God created the planets in traditional Christian doctrine, he also created their paths and alignments. This led to the birth of people being born with a destiny written in the stars that were given to them by God.

However, there are also still some that believe God is the ultimate decider of your fate. And to them, this means there is no point in believing in horoscopes or astrology. God will ultimately decide if your life is on a good or bad path, and therefore won’t change what was written in the stars.

But it is ultimately up to you which belief makes you feel more encouraged to embrace or change an unfortunate horoscope.

Can Prayers Change Astrology?

It is not believed that prayers can change astrology since your life path was written in the stars and planets as soon as you were born. However, there is a possibility that prayers can serve as a source of comfort and encouragement while going through a bad horoscope prediction.

There are many different ways to pray in astrology, some of them including:

  • Praying to the traditional Christian God
  • Praying to the gods and goddess that rule your astrological sign
  • Using manifestation and spells as a form of prayer

Praying to the traditional Christian God is not unheard of in astrology. It can be used to provide comfort and encouragement to those who have received a bad horoscope. For example, someone may pray to God to ask for protection from their bad horoscope. Similarly, they might pray for guidance on what to do to get through their horoscope. If this type of prayer brings you comfort, that is what matters most.

The planets of an astrological sign are believed to be ruled by a certain god or goddess from Greek mythology. For example, it’s believed that the Greek goddess Aphrodite rules the planet Venus, and that Venus rules the astrological sign Taurus. Because of this higher power connection, some astrology believers pray to their ruling god and goddess for guidance and comfort.

Lastly, manifestation and spells are often used as a form of prayer in astrology. Manifestation is the practice of making your desires come to fruition, usually by writing them out multiple times. For example, the 3-6-9 method is extremely popular in astrology. It directs the person to write out what they want three times, then six times, then nine times.

This method can help you find comfort amid a bad horoscope, such as manifesting that something good will happen or that you will be provided strength and protection. The other method of using spells is also a popular form of prayer in astrology. This is because they usually connect with a person’s desires in some way, such as a career spell or a love life spell. But spells can also be used to provide protection and comfort when you receive a bad horoscope.

The most important thing to remember about prayer in astrology, no matter its form, is that it should bring you comfort and protection. If it works for you, you will be able to change and get through your unfortunate horoscope.

Do Astrology Predictions Come True?

Astrological predictions do come true in the way of planet alignment, but they don’t always come true when it comes to your life path. So while astrology can serve as a guide or even sometimes a warning for your life path, it’s still ultimately up to you if you want to change your horoscope.

Astrology and astronomy are closely related since they both have a lot to do with the planets and stars. The biggest thing they have in common is predicting the positioning and alignment of the planets. This gives astrology more of a scientific basis and can increase the chances of an astrological prediction coming true.

However, they are called astrological predictions for a reason. They are not meant to tell you for sure what will happen in the future for your life, hence being called predictions. As a result, you have an opportunity to determine if they come true or not.

If you accept the predictions as fact and do nothing to change them, then the likelihood of them coming true increases. On the other hand, if you take the predictions as a warning and set about changing them or making them less unfortunate, then the likelihood of them coming true decreases.

Astrological predictions are meant to guide you and possibly warn you about your life path. But they should not be wholly depended on to predict your life for you.

Has Anyone Succeeded in Life Against Astrology Predictions?

While getting an unfortunate horoscope can be discouraging, that doesn’t mean you can’t still succeed in life. Many famous people believe in astrology that also might have received a bad horoscope, yet they still succeeded.

A few notable people that believed in astrology include:

  • Princess Diana
  • Albert Einstein
  • Madonna
  • Beyoncé

While it isn’t known if they got a particularly bad horoscope before they became famous, it’s not completely out of the question to predict that they did. Not every horoscope is going to predict good things in your life. So, it would make sense that these famous people have received an unfortunate horoscope one time or another.

And yet, despite the bad horoscopes they may have received, they still became very successful. So while their path to fame might not align with your life path, there are still some ways to turn a negative horoscope around.

A few things you can do to get through a bad horoscope include repeating encouraging or protective mantras to yourself and taking a positive lesson from a negative experience.

Mantras are short phrases that are meant to be repeated several times. They are designed to help shift your attitude and mindset towards something and positively prepare you to handle it. If you receive a bad horoscope, repeating a simple positive mantra to yourself each day can help lessen the adverse effects of it.

The most effective way to repeat a mantra is to follow these steps:

  • Make it specific to your situation
  • Make a habit of repeating the mantra at least three times each morning and night
  • Repeat the mantra to yourself in the mirror, like you are talking to yourself

Once you repeat the mantra enough, it can start to positively turn your mindset and encourage you to power through the bad horoscope.

The next thing you can do to get through a bad horoscope is take a positive lesson from a negative experience. Getting an unfortunate horoscope can be discouraging or even frightening. However, there is not much we can do to completely prevent bad experiences from happening in our lives.

The good thing about bad experiences is that they can help us grow and learn. Seeing which positive lessons you can learn from a bad experience can make it easier to get through. It takes away some of the negative power it had, and you turn it into something that propels you forward on your life path.

Final Thoughts

Astrology can be a beneficial tool that can guide you on your life path. But it’s advised that it primarily be used as a guide, not something to predict your future. Completely relying on it can have the opposite effect of being helpful and instead be detrimental to your life path.

While receiving a bad horoscope can be discouraging, it does not have to be the worst thing in the world. Doing what you can to lessen the negative impacts of a bad horoscope can help you get through it with a positive outcome.