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Relationship and Numerology Explained

One of the most debated topics in Astrology is whether Numerology, a pseudoscience related to numbers, can be used alongside it.

Some people believe that numerology is just as accurate as astrology and should be considered when reading palms or interpreting astrological divination. Others say that numerology cannot accurately predict events or give guidance on daily life because it has no connection with reality.

In this article, we will compare the teachings of both subjects and discuss how they can be closely related to one another. You’ll learn about the core teachings of both astrology and numerology, their most powerful numbers, and which is more accurate and superior (if possible).

Table of Contents

Is Numerology Related to Astrology?

Many people tend to get confused when they think about Numerology and Astrology without much background information on either. Both are pseudosciences with deep histories that can be traced back centuries to some of the most ancient civilizations (meaning Grecian, Egyptian, Babylonian). However, despite these similarities, the two studies aren’t as connected as people like to think.

Numerology and Astrology are two separate studies used to interpret human nature and the universe.

Numerology achieves this by focusing on the power of numbers and their influence on a person’s life in terms of their skills, characteristics, outward expression, and interactions. Comparatively, Astrology focuses on the power of the planets, planetary and celestial movements, and locations to determine future events and interpret many of the same elements as listed previously with Numerology. 

As you can see, the ultimate goals of each study are very similar, but their methods and teachings differ widely. However, some people believe you can incorporate elements of both studies to yield a more accurate reading or interpretation of a person and events. These studies are not inherently part of one another; they are two separate arts. 

How Does Numerology Work With Astrology?

Despite the fact that these are two different studies, a number of people find them more beneficial and insightful when fused together. Because they are both metaphysical sciences that aim to yield the same information regarding events and human affairs, you’ll likely find that Numerology and Astrology can complement each other quite well.

In order to use Numerology with Astrology, you’ll need at least a basic understanding of both studies regarding their teachings, values, and how to accurately interpret their overarching powers (i.e., numbers and planets). You can then use each separately for the same goal and then use them to either validate one another, enhance your understanding of an interpretation, or provide clarity.

You would achieve this by using your observations of the 12 zodiac signs and their corresponding planets, houses (ascendants), and other celestial bodies to gather whatever information you are seeking about yourself, another person, or future events.

You could then use this information to gain insight into an individual’s personality traits or character through numerology readings that focus on analyzing names and birthdates. Numerologists will obtain this information and match it to the appropriate insight by using theories established by Pythagoras, who is deemed the founder of Numerology.

Interpreting and understanding information provided by both studies is challenging in its own right, so it is always best to have a grasp on each separately before you combine them.

Which Is More Accurate: Numerology or Astrology?

One of the most debated points in both communities is whether Numerology or Astrology excels when it comes to accuracy.

In the end, this is an entirely subjective question, and the answer is that both studies are fallible and can be misinterpreted by users regardless of their level. Of course, being more practiced in one study means your readings are likely to be far more accurate than if you compared them to a study you’re less familiar with or the conclusions a novice draws.

But if you were to place two experts in a room, one proficient in astrology and the other in numerology, you’ll find the accuracy of their readings will likely be about equal, the information provided will just vary slightly because these studies use different methods to acquire different nuances of insight. 

Undoubtedly, you’ll find individuals who avidly state Astrology is the more accurate study because Numerology is overtly limited (ex. uses numbers 1-9 with the exception of Master Numbers) and is less personalized (ex. all people with the same birthday have the same future predictions).

Comparatively, someone supporting the accuracy of Numerology would state that this study is more objective, and there are far too many factors included in Astrology, rendering it frequently inaccurate. Numerology might be more limited, but that allows it to produce more concrete interpretations.

The conclusion to make here is that both studies have their benefits and can be accurate in their own right, but this largely depends on the user’s ability to understand how to use their methods and interpret what they find. Astrology might allow you to yield more information about yourself and the universe, but that doesn’t mean it’s more or less accurate than Numerology.  

How Do I Find My Astrological Number?

One of the most important core numbers a person can find using the methods of Numerology is their Astrological Number, more commonly referred to as their Life Path Number.

This is where most beginners start when exploring Numerology, as it provides invaluable insight into their strengths, weaknesses, skills and will state future challenges and events they’re destined to face. All you need to find your Life Path Number is your full birth date.

The goal of this process is to utilize the digits within your birthdate to obtain your core number. You’ll do this by adding and reducing the digits until one single digit is left, which will either fall into the range of 1-9, or it will yield one of the three Master Numbers (11, 22, 33). This will be your Life Path Number, and you can use it to interpret the elements discussed previously.

First, write all of the digits on your birthday. We’ll use October 16, 1996, as an example. So you’ll write 10/16/1996, being sure to include all digits. You will then use the three categories of the month, day, and year to keep these numbers separate until you’re ready to add them all in a later step.

To start reducing these digits into the final Life Path Number you need, add the digits within each category separately (ex. 1+0=1, 1+6=7, 1+9+9+6=25). You’ll then need to reduce the number from your birth year an additional time until you have a single-digit (ex. 2+5=7).

Now, you can add all single digits from the three categories together (ex. 1+7+7=15). If the result is a Master Number (11, 22, 33), you will stop here since you should not reduce a Master Number. If it is not, you’ll reduce one more time for your Life Path Number (ex. 1+5=6), which, in this case, is 6.

Which is Best Numerology or Astrology?

are on equal ground when it comes to accuracy, most people will agree with the point that one study isn’t inherently better than the other. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks that might warrant it the better choice for someone on an individual level, but as a whole, they are the same.

Because Astrology can be quite extensive with the elements it interprets and the information users can draw, some believe it is best to start with Numerology first, since this mostly focuses on a person’s name and birth date rather than a vast number of celestial objects, their locations, their movements, and the dates of which all of this occurred.

That does not mean Astrology is better than Numerology, but the more limited numerical range and fewer elements often make Numerology a little more straightforward and less complex than Astrology, making it easier to grasp. As a result, many people will use it as a springboard to Astrology once they’re more comfortable with their Numerology knowledge.

Of course, if you’re more interested in space and celestial objects than numbers, you’ll probably prefer to focus on Astrology. Both studies are perfectly acceptable and have plenty to offer their followers. How “good” each is mostly depends on a person’s ability to utilize them effectively.

What Are The Good Numbers in Astrology?

The closest connection you can have with Numerology and Astrology occurs with “good” or lucky numbers.

Apart from numbering the planets, the sun, the moon, and the zodiacs, you don’t see numbers too frequently in Astrology. Instead, whenever the subject of good or lucky numbers arises, most sources will accredit the answer to Numerology because this is its area of expertise.

Regardless of which study you prefer, they seem to agree on which numbers are best, for the most part. Astrologists deem numbers 1, 2, 4, 7 to be exceptionally powerful with the Numerological addition of Master Numbers 11, 22, 33, of which 22 is the strongest.

Numerology ranks all Master Numbers above the individual 1-9 because they are repeated numbers of the same digits (1, 2, 3) and make up the Triangle of Enlightenment. As a result, these numbers are deemed extremely spiritual, lucky, and powerful with high odds of success.

In Astrology, lucky numbers are usually assigned to individual zodiacs, as depicted below:

  • Aries – 9, 45, 54
  • Taurus – 2, 12, 35
  • Gemini – 14, 66, 88
  • Cancer – 7, 9, 63
  • Leo – 48, 68, 86
  • Virgo – 72, 89, 98
  • Libra – 7, 11, 77
  • Scorpio – 10, 13, 100
  • Sagittarius – 4, 14, 56
  • Capricorn – 5, 18, 45
  • Aquarius – 1, 11, 17
  • Pisces – 16, 20, 36

Apart from this, the study will focus on the numerical relation between planets, but that is the extent of its emphasis on numerical power. If you truly enjoy exploring the power numbers hold and how they can be interpreted, you’re better off pursuing Numerology than Astrology in this regard.

Final Thoughts

There is much that sets Numerology and Astrology apart from one another, but they share some essential common traits, such as utilizing properties of math and science to make informed interpretations and predictions about the universe and human nature. While there is a great deal of debate between the two studies, neither is necessarily more accurate or inherently better than the other. For the most part, this relies on an individual’s knowledge and capabilities rather than the studies themselves.

Still, they are far more beneficial when combined than pinned against one another, so if you have an interest in both studies, we highly recommend pursuing each to your liking and using them to enhance one another for ultimate understanding. 


Time and practice are all that are needed to learn astrology. The more time and practice you are willing to put in the larger the amount of information you can understand. Learning to read your birth chart and memorizing the symbol meanings is just the beginning. The amount of time you are willing to put into your learning will determine how long you stay as a beginner as well.