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Which Zodiac Sign Is Closest To God (And Devil)?

The zodiac signs have been used to mark human lives for centuries, since long before Christianity came into being. Though often seen as sacrilegious, there are ways to study and appreciate the zodiacs from a Christian perspective, and one of the ways to do this is to know which of the signs is closest to (and furthest from) God.

Though Leo is said to be the sign of Jesus, the holiest sign is often interpreted as Pisces, the bringer of balance. The sign most closely associated with the devil is Scorpio, often associated with manipulation and dishonesty. Each sign has its own associations in the original and Christian traditions, both positive and negative.

Here’s what you need to know about the zodiac signs’ association with God and the devil.

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Which Zodiac Sign Is Closest To God?

For many Christians, the idea of adhering to the zodiac calendar is nearly blasphemous. In fact, the worship of astrology in the Bible is often called out as a sin, and astrologists are punished for trying to interpret the future without trusting in God to do so.

Still, there are signs that the zodiac calendar can be observed from a godly perspective, as they were, according to the Bible, sent to mark the seasons and the passing of the year. So, taking the meaning of the zodiac signs from their placement in the year rather than as a portent of the future can make them easier for a Christian to incorporate into their life. As such, there is a sign that is considered most holy.

Pisces is often considered the zodiac sign closest to God. This is because it is most closely associated with the Spring Equinox, and therefore with the Easter season in the liturgical calendar. It is said to be the most spiritual sign, with its twin fish representing the need for balance between our material lives and our spiritual fulfillment.

There is some debate as to whether Leo could be considered the holiest sign, as it is given to represent leaders in the lion’s den, and on occasion, Jesus himself (more on that below). Still, as mentioned, the placement and visual representation of Pisces leads it to be the more prominently spiritual sign.

Do Gods Have Zodiac Signs?

The Western zodiac calendar dates back to ancient Greece, Babylon, and potentially before, where each of the signs, based on constellations that occurred at certain points of the year, were connected to a particular myth or legend.

In Greek tradition, the signs aligned with a unique myth or god.

  • Aries is, of course, associated with the Greek god Ares, but is also associated with the myth of the Golden Ram, which was a child of Poseidon and Theophane and which was used by Nephele to rescue her children, after which it was sacrificed and its pelt became the Golden Fleece.
  • Taurus is associated with the Cretan Bull, which was gifted to Minos to be sacrificed. When Minos instead sacrificed a lesser bull, Poseidon cursed his wife to fall in love with the Cretan Bull and produce the Minotaur.
  • Gemini is usually associated with Castor and Pollox, children of Leda by King Tyndareus and Zeus. Castor was mortal while Pollux was immortal, and Castor was eventually killed in battle, after which Pollox begged Zeus for his mortality, to which Zeus obliged and turned the brothers into stars.
  • Cancer is believed to be tied to the obscure figure of Carcinus, the monstrous crab slain by Heracles before he could reach the Hydra.
  • Leo is tied to the Nemean Lion, who was said to have impenetrable skin and was the first Labor of Heracles, who wrestled it to death.
  • Virgo is frequently associated with virgin goddesses, Artemis, goddess of the moon and the hunt, and Astraea, the goddess of justice.
  • Libra is associated with three different goddesses: Astraea, Themis, and Nemesis. It has also been associated with the Fates.
  • Scorpio is a representative of Scorpius, child of Gaia and killer of Orion.
  • Sagittarius is either Chiron the hero trainer or Crotus, son of Pan and companion of the Muses.
  • Capricorn is sometimes associated with Amalthea, the goat who suckled Zeus, and sometimes with Aegipan, a minor god who sided with Zeus in the war against the Titans.
  • Aquarius is most often associated with Ganymede, the cupbearer of Zeus abducted to Mount Olympus for his beauty.
  • Pisces is associated with Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, and her son Eros, who transformed into fish to escape the wrath of Typhon.

In keeping with Christian tradition, though, some people believe that all of the signs were gifted by God, as representations of the 12 houses of Israel, and so the gifts given to each house.

  • Judah is Taurus
  • Issachar is Aries
  • Zebulun is Pisces
  • Reuben is Aquarius
  • Simeon is Capricorn
  • Gad is Sagittarius
  • Ephraim is Scorpio
  • Manasseh is Libra
  • Benjamin is Virgo
  • Dan is Leo
  • Asher is Cancer
  • Naphtali is Gemini

There are other interpretations of the exact match ups, but most Christian astrologers agree that the signs are associated with the cardinal directions assigned to the tribes, and with their placement when they are camped together.

Which Zodiac Sign Is God Gifted?

As mentioned, some Christian astrologers associate the zodiac signs with the gifts given to the 12 Tribes. Some, though, believe that each of the signs was given a gift by God according to their mission on Earth.

  • Aries is given Self Esteem to plant the will of God
  • Taurus is given Strength to build the seed of God’s will
  • Gemini is given Knowledge to seek answers to God’s questions
  • Cancer is given Family to teach others about emotion
  • Leo is given Honor to display God’s creation to the world
  • Virgo is given Purity of Thought to examine man’s care for God’s creations
  • Libra is given Love to remind men of their duties to each other
  • Scorpio is given Purpose to know the minds of others
  • Sagittarius is given Infinite Abundance to bring laughter and hope to others
  • Capricorn is given Responsibility to teach others how to work
  • Aquarius is given Freedom to give others interpretations of future possibilities
  • Pisces is given Understanding to take on the sorrows of the world

These interpretations, much like the interpretations of the houses each sign represents, change slightly depending on the Christian astrologer you ask. Generally, though, it’s agreed that each sign’s unique personality traits and challenges were assigned by God to promote His message on Earth.

Which Zodiacs are God complex?

Though all signs are somewhat prone to different personal failings, the sign most commonly associated with an inflated sense of self is Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign commonly associated with intelligence, a pursuit of knowledge and the future, and a strong sense of judgement. Because of this, it can be easy for those born under Aquarius to develop a sense of superiority.

Aquarius is also in direct opposition to Leo, which is the sign associated with personal sacrifice and giving to others. The sign is ruled by Saturn, which is known for inducing egoism, and by  Uranus, which induces a desire for personal freedom. This lines up with the gift Aquarius is said to receive, as the pursuit of freedom and the future can make one egotistical.

Still, this doesn’t mean Aquarius born people all consider themselves gods. It means that Aquarians need to be more careful about keeping their ego in check and relying on others to reign them in when they become too self-obsessed.

What is Jesus’ Zodiac Sign?

Many Christian astrologers consider Leo to be Jesus’ zodiac sign. The meaning of the sign in astrology is that of courage, and as a symbol of the tribe of Judah (though some would argue that it is the tribe of Dan, the “lion’s welp”). Regulus, the “little king” star, is at Leo’s feet, and is interpreted as a leader lying in the lion’s den.

This also coincides with many predictions for the actual birth date of Jesus, as there is little or no evidence that he was born on December 25. Instead, many theologists and historians believe that he was born in the summer, in either June or July. This would put Jesus’ birth squarely in Leo’s domain.

Leos are said to be warm-hearted and generous, willing to put themselves last and determined to keep others happy and healthy. They’re considered angels of the signs, and can at times be too set in their ways and too self-sacrificing.

Which zodiac sign is closest to devil?

The sign most closely associated with the devil is Scorpio. Though there are many positive traits of the sign – they are resourceful, brave, and passionate – there are also many worrying qualities that can make those born under this sign dangerous. Scorpios are known to be distrusting and manipulative, ruthless and jealous, and even violent.

The idea that this sign is based on a mythological killer and a monster capable of bringing down heroes is also concerning. Scorpio’s dates lie late in the year, from October into November, when the world is darkest. This has often been taken as a bad omen for people born during this time, and has been associated with the closing in of the Devil on the light of the world.

Once again, though, this does not mean that all Scorpios are evil. It means that they rely on their friends, to whom they are fiercely loyal once a bond is formed, to tell them when they have gone to far. It also means that they have to work harder to keep themselves in the path of the light and to use their passion and determination for holier purposes.


Learning the zodiac is an incredibly personal journey. Though some choose to look at it as nothing more than an interesting way to mark the passing of the year, others are more determined to find meaning in the stars in the way that God intended them to – by marking the passing of our lives and our traditions with them.

By understanding how your zodiac sign aligns itself with God’s plan, you can more easily pay attention to the signs your life is giving you to become closer to your faith. Understanding what you’re more susceptible to as a failing can help you acknowledge and avoid it, which can help you lead a healthier, happier, and holier life.

As long as you’re willing to take on the godly description of the signs, you can find more meaning in the world, even if it’s just as a passing interest.