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What are the 12 astrological signs?

Astrology measures celestial objects in space and gives guidance on how we can use this information in our everyday lives with 12 different astrological signs. These signs correspond to the earth’s rotation around the sun, but what are these 12 different signs, and what do they mean?

There are 12 astrological signs in the zodiac and each one has meaning and significance for those born under that sign. Your birthdate is the determining factor that tells you what sign you have been given.

In this article, we will discuss the different astrological signs so you can learn more about what they mean and how they relate to your personality.

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What are the 12 astrological signs?

What are the 12 astrological signs - infoRight around the time of 5th century BC, Babylonian astronomers divided the path of the earth around the sun into 12 equal signs that represented the 12 months of the year.

Below is a list of the 12 astrological signs in the zodiac:

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces

Let’s break each of these down so you have a better understanding of what each one means.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries is said to be a sign of new beginnings and enthusiasm. Adventurous in their outlook, they are always out for a good time. In relationships, they want their partners to keep up with them — so much so that an Aries will become bored rather quickly if their partner is falling behind.

They are a fire sign, so they may sometimes feel like their life needs to be on the go all the time. They are also an active element, so they’re going to want or need constant activity in order to feel satisfied with life.

If you find that your Arian has gotten into a rut of doing nothing and leading someone else’s type of life, it’s time to check in with them to get them back to their normal status.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

The Taurus sign is one that is ruled by the earth as well as Venus. They are typically known for their sense of modesty and humility — they are immensely proud of themselves but rarely show it outwardly. The bull represents this archetype, being strong yet slow in their determination to get what they want.

Taurus qualities include practicality, ambition, and persistence. To be a Taurus means to strongly believe in the value of hard work. It also signifies that they’ve never met an obstacle that stands between them and what they want because there is nothing worth doing if it can be achieved without trying for it.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

Gemini is a sign that is ruled by the planet Mercury, and they are typically known for their dual nature. They can be serious one minute and playful the next, but they won’t usually show both sides at the same time.

Gemini can experience a desire to overindulge in things — whether it be food or drugs or alcohol — just as much as other people do, but this self-destructive behavior may also be more of an attempt to distract from emotional pain than anything else.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23)

Cancer is said to be a sign of emotional and imaginative rock-solid strength. Cancerians have a strong immune system due to how well they can protect themselves from the inner chaos of their emotions.

Cancerians can be paranoid and secretive. They know themselves really well and sometimes keep these secrets so deeply buried that they’re barely even aware they exist.

Leo (July 24 - August 23)

Leos possess the qualities of courage and enthusiasm. They love to be the center of attention and feel misunderstood at times. Leos are typically generous and like to participate in physical activities while also being able to stay calm when they need to. They go for what they want with a sense of impulsiveness – but this can be changed as their life experience evolves.

Leo people are boundless in their desires which are often very ambitious. They exhibit renewed strength following setbacks or difficulties. They can be ruthless if their dignity or ego gets wounded by insults but usually maintain a cheerful disposition even in dire moments when things go wrong.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)

Virgos are usually intelligent and practical people who are good at math, science, or engineering; they tend to see things analytically more than emotionally. Esoteric knowledge is welcome whatever your sphere might be- whether herbalism for health purposes or numerology for divination sake – there isn’t much that these people can’t figure out if they put their minds to it.

They tend to be good at what they do, always striving to go that extra mile in order that others will notice their hard work. This sign has a great sense of service and is often creative and intelligent.

Sometimes these folks get lost in the details or take on too much responsibility for themselves. However, Virgos are also selfless individuals who can be loving, affectionate partners and parents.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

Libra individuals tend to be analytical and introspective. They are of two minds when it comes to decisions, weighing the pros and cons equally, which can either lead them to make no decision at all or delay a decision until they are sure that it’s the best one.

They’re great communicators who typically don’t share their feelings very easily outside of any intimate relationships they might have with friends or family. It’s not at all out of the question for them to end up thinking everyone hates them just because they’ve been too shy to open up about how they feel in conversation.

This can make them a bit nervous when dealing with people in general or even meeting new ones.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Scorpios are infamous for their sting, so it’s not surprising that they are subtle when it comes to love. They have intense emotions and a need to control themselves closely. They’re passionate, secretive, and intuitive with an occasional tendency toward pettiness.

Scorpios are brave fighters who can take anything life throws at them and respond with vigor. When it comes to relationships, they’re not afraid to get down into the trenches for love if someone wants to put in that honest effort. If there’s something Scorpio doesn’t like about themselves, they’ve got the motivation to change it.

Sagittarius (November 24 - December 22)

Sagittarians are not confined by their beliefs to what they know; instead, they believe in expanding knowledge by continuing to learn all that they can. They have an innate ability for exploration and discovery. A typical Sagittarius will be well studied in different areas of life to be able to apply their skills to any problem they face.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20)

Capricorns are well-known for being hardworking and achieving success by meeting their goals. They are likely to be self-starters, not waiting for someone else to come up with an idea or feeling entitled because they think decision-making is best left up to others.

Capricorns take the lead when necessary yet know when it’s time to let go too. This sign has a lot of depth as they can live in the past but still focus on what’s happening now. Perhaps they’re more thoughtful than expressive; in some ways, that put them at odds or opposite themselves.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

Aquarians are natural leaders, but often they feel most satisfied when they can lead a group of like-minded people. They’re free thinkers and who often question. They thrive off new ideas and challenges. They also enjoy the company of friends and family, so be prepared to show them off!

The Aquarius has a thirst for knowledge that borders on obsession at times. This is because their analytical minds are constantly wondering “why.” Deep down, an Aquarian has a nurturing spirit which means you’ll always know where their loyalties lie – even if their love goes unrequited.

Pisces (February 20- March 21)

Pisces are largely known for their poetic and creative nature. They tend to be sympathetic listeners, and people with a Pisces sun sign often have compassionate hearts.

In many cases, they will empathize more than other signs because they too rebel against conformity. Because of that, they’re often very independent thinkers who can struggle with finding answers on their own at times.

Their sensitivity is what sets them apart from the rest – but it’s also what makes them stand out as artists in one way or another (in music and writing communities).

A person born under the Pisces sun sign needs personal creativity; they need space for expression by either penning poetry, playing an instrument, sculpting something new, or anything that keeps their creative flow.

What's the Most Powerful Zodiac Sign?

The Taurus is one of the most powerful and dominating signs of the zodiac. Their stubbornness and relenting determination make their foundation rock-solid and hard for anyone to change.

Taurus is known for having an idea of what they want and doing everything they can to accomplish their goals.

There are other powerful signs in the zodiac like:

  • Scorpio
  • Leo
  • Virgo

These signs will be harder to get along with, but they will also have the most benefits from being in a relationship.

Which Zodiac Sign Is the Kindest?

The Zodiac signs that have the kindest attributes are:

  • Gemini
  • Libra
  • Pisces

They’re likely to give you a hug when you need it, and they’ll cheer you on when things seem down.

Gemini is probably one of the most charming of the signs because they have an empathy out of this world. They really do want to be friends with everyone and will give advice to just about anyone that’s in their life.

Libra is a sign that thrives on peace and harmony. If there’s a disagreement, they’ll do everything in their power to see both perspectives so they can find a middle ground.

Pisces will always be willing to lend out a helping hand and make sure somebody feels loved. They go out of their way to make sure everyone around them is happy and can always put a smile on someone’s face with just some kind words.

Which Zodiac Sign Is the Prettiest?

Pisces is one of the prettiest signs of the zodiac. Even though they may not be as showy as some of the other signs, they really do have some gorgeous attributes. Pisces are known for being charitable and giving people the benefit of the doubt.

They’re very loyal and have deep compassion for people in general. That means that when you find someone who has all those qualities, you’ve found a partner for life!

The 12 Astrological Signs

Each of the 12 astrological signs has unique qualities and characteristics that make them special in their own way. You may not feel you have all the qualities of your sign but keep an open mind to how these attributes might be relevant to your life.