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The 7 Magical Properties of Moldavite You Need to Know!

Want to know moldavite properties? In this post, we’ve shared the 7 magical properties of moldavite, especially for you.

Moldavite is a pale green stone famous for its physical similarity to meteorite due to its creation from a large meteor strike. Even though moldavite is a terrestrial mineral, there are only small amounts of it on Earth.

Moldavite is believed to have many magical properties that include healing properties, the ability to bring good luck, and the ability to help the transcendence of time in meditation and shamanistic practices. It is also used to help the person who holds it get more in touch with their feelings.

Moldavite is a powerful stone said to impact people just by holding it, and it is valued for use in metaphysical rituals. Keep reading to learn more about the magical properties of this meteoric gem and where it comes from.

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What Is Moldavite?

Moldavite is a light green rock found only in one specific region of Czechoslavakia. This rock is believed to originate from a large meteoric strike in the area hundreds of thousands of years ago. Moldavite belongs to a special category of naturally occurring glass created by interplanetary collisions called tektite glass. (Source: Gem Society)

The origins of moldavite are contested, with some scientists believing it is extraterrestrial in nature and others believing it is a terrestrial stone that was transformed by the power of the meteorite’s blast. In either case, this unique stone is prized for its intense forest green color, one-of-a-kind appearance, and magical properties.

Where Can Moldavite Be Found?

Over ninety-nine percent of moldavite mined or uncovered is found in the Bohemia region of Czechoslavakia in the southern part of the country. A little moldavite has also been discovered in the west of Czechoslavakia, closer to Germany and Austria. (Source: Klenota Fine Jewelry)

What Happens When You Wear Moldavite?

Moldavite is known for having one of the most intense physical effects out of any healing crystal. This effect is so strong it is known as the “Moldavite flush”. Carriers of this stone have reported the following sensations in response to wearing it (Source: Casual Contrast):

  • Warm glow
  • Rush of tingling
  • Feeling that the stone is warm or even hot to the touch
  • Racing heart and/or dizziness

Because of its strong physical effect, many crystal healers warn moldavite users to wear or hold a grounding stone such as bloodstone, hematite, or jade to counteract the effects of the moldavite on their bodies.

Should I Sleep With Moldavite?

There are conflicting views in the crystal community about whether moldavite should be slept with or kept in a room where you sleep. Due to its high frequency and energy levels, moldavite use is associated with the following sleep issues (Source: Yes Dirt):

  • Vivid dreaming: Moldavite is known for allowing users to tap into their innate thoughts and energies, making it a useful stone in dreamwork. Sleeping near moldavite can induce vivid or disturbing dreams, even nightmares.
  • Disrupted sleep patterns: The energies given off by moldavite can disrupt our natural circadian rhythms, which may cause you to rise or go to sleep later than you normally do. This can throw you out of your regular sleeping pattern and cause fatigue or irritability.
  • Restlessness and insomnia: The strong influence of moldavite on the body by causing tingling sensations and racing heart can keep people from becoming relaxed enough to fall asleep.

The negative effects of moldavite on sleep are largely linked to the user’s sensitivity to the stone. Crystal users who are not experienced with grounding their own energy or who are especially sensitive to crystal frequencies may be more strongly affected than those people who have worked with energy fields for a long time.

What Are the Magical Properties of Moldavite?

Along with the physical effects it can cause, moldavite is known for being associated with several different magical properties. These effects range from physical and mental effects to effects on a person’s emotional state. Prized by shamans and psychics, moldavite is especially popular for its strengthening effect on intuition.

The 7 Magical Properties of Moldavite

moldavite properties - info

Moldavite Helps with Meditation

Considered one of the most precious heart stones, moldavite is closely associated with the heart chakra and access to the third eye. With its high vibration, it is thought to have an amplifying effect on meditative practices, similar to holding a spiritual lightning rod.

To activate the moldavite’s energies during use, hold the stone in your hand during normal meditative practices and focus on the stone in your mind’s eye, imagining sunlight pouring through its translucent green surface. This light symbolizes your body’s energies purifying and connecting with the stone in your hand.

By using visualization meditation with moldavite, you can eventually train your mind to associate the stone with a meditative state.

Being able to induce a meditative state on command makes it much easier to advance your meditative practice. Advanced practitioners have been shown to even be able to induce higher-state gamma brainwaves in a meditative state. (Source: PNAS)

Moldavite Is Believed to Transcend Time

This green stone of meteoric make has an association with allowing people to slip back and forth easily into different periods of time while performing astral projection, dreamwork, or invoking past lives.

One of the reasons moldavite is helpful in meditation is that it helps meditation students break with the passage of time and fall more fully into their meditative trance. In many ways, inducing a meditative state is about breaking the human connection with their concept of time. In a meditative trance, hours can go by like minutes.

Part of the reason moldavite is associated with the past and the transcendence of time is due to its origins. Because it was created by a large meteor strike from hundreds of thousands of years ago, holding a piece of moldavite is like holding a piece of history in the palm of your hand.

Moldavite Cleanses the Aura of Emotions

Like quartz and hematite, moldavite is associated with the ability to protect an individual’s aura and energies from negative vibrations. It is also considered a purifying stone that can help scrub a person’s personal negative energy when they’re feeling down or stressed out.

Aura cleansing can be useful for all kinds of people, but it can be especially helpful for people with the following issues:

  • Highly-sensitive persons (HSPs) or people with empathic abilities
  • People who are physically vulnerable to stress
  • People dealing with an emotional disturbance or a personal crisis

Learning how to stay grounded in your personal energy is a skill that is useful to even the most emotionally stable individual, as this can help prevent people from lashing out in anger or with other irrational emotions. Try using moldavite to focus on calming your energy and learn how to cultivate a more stoic and tranquil response to interpersonal conflict.

Moldavite Can Shift Your Perceptions

Along with allowing people to access latent repressed memories and even past lives, moldavite is known for being able to shift your perception from the present onto the past or even the future.

While many meditative practices focus on maintaining our link to the present, forging a link with the past can be useful for those who are interested in working with their ancestors in shamanistic practices. Moldavite can also be used in scrying rituals to try and connect with a sense of the future by strengthening your natural intuition.

Moldavite Can Influence the Heart Chakra

Moldavite is strongly associated with the heart chakra in Eastern medicine, which relates to our emotions and how we deal with personal relationships. This is one of the reasons why moldavite is such a popular stone among those who struggle with emotional imbalances, such as empaths. (Source: The Magickal Earth)

People who are sensitive to the cosmic forces of the world often feel overwhelmed or thrown out of whack by dealing with the onslaught of their feelings. Moldavite can help center the heart chakra and keep an individual grounded in their cosmic purpose.

Moldavite Can Heighten Self-Awareness

It isn’t one of its most comfortable properties, but being near moldavite can make a person more likely to see the multitudes of outcomes (good and bad) that could arise from their various decisions in a path moving forward.

This makes moldavite a great stone to wear if you find yourself engaged in a game of 3D chess with someone either on a social or emotional level. Moldavite can help people navigate their way through tricky and high-pressure situations by showing them the various options available to them in any given scenario.

This knowledge is gained by moldavite’s amplification of a person’s perception of themselves. If you know yourself well, you know how you would react in any given situation. This helps you make decisions more easily and advocate for yourself in situations more successfully moving forward.

Moldavite Can Help You Communicate With Astral Beings

Along with strengthening a shamanic or clairvoyant practice, moldavite is also associated with being able to communicate with astral beings directly. This means that moldavite can be paired with the following metaphysical practices to heighten their success:

  • Spirit guides: Moldavite is popular with shamans and animist healers for its ability to help users connect with their ancestral spirits. Moldavite can also be used to help you connect with spirit animals or familiars.
  • Interdimensional beings: Due to its extraterrestrial origins and its ability to amplify energy, moldavite is believed to allow users to be able to connect more easily with interdimensional beings such as angels and demons.
  • The dead: Because it vibrates at a higher frequency than most other crystals and serves as a link to the past, moldavite is believed to be attractive to ghosts and other abnormal paranormal energies.

To attract interdimensional energies, moldavite is typically worn during rituals aimed at communicating with the spirit realm. It is sometimes also incorporated into ritualistic tools like athames and chalices. Moldavite’s strong vibrations make it a useful material in scrying tools such as Wiccan pendulums.

In many cases, moldavite is used in conjunction with other stones to strengthen their effects. For example, when used with smoky quartz, moldavite can have an even stronger effect on clearing auric energies and attune the wearer to a higher sense of self-awareness.

Moldavite Is A Strong Stone for Experienced Healers

Moldavite has many magical properties. However, this stone is also known as one of the most powerful healing stones available, with a high frequency and a high vibration. This inspiration for kryptonite has the opposite effect – it’s able to boost its user’s energy by proximity rather than weaken them. Hold some in your palm today and feel how strong it is!