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The 5 Best Tarot Card Decks on the Planet

Deciding on the best tarot deck can be deeply personal. It is important to take the experience to a psychic level and get the deck that is going to bring you and those around you the most fulfillment. At the same time, there can be so many choices that it is daunting at times. You might be asking what the five best tarot card decks on the planet are.

The best tarot card decks are the ones that conform to what you need and desire. This is how you will get the most out of each card reading, and it is how others that you read for will get the help and foresight that they come to you for. Choosing the best deck comes down to a personal decision.

The 5 Best Tarot Card Decks on the Planet are:

  1. Rider Waite Tarot Deck
  2. The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck
  3. Modern Witch Tarot Deck
  4. Mystic Mondays Tarot Deck
  5. The Modern Way Tarot Deck

Determining the best tarot card deck requires knowledge of whether you will be using the cards for commercial or personal use. By knowing that, you can determine which decks the best suit your purposes. Continue reading to learn more about the function of tarot cards and then discover the five best tarot card decks currently available on the market.

Table of Contents

What are Tarot Cards?

Tarot cards provide guidance to individuals about what is going on in their life. This typically involves learning more about love, money, career paths, goals, and the general path that one is taking with their life. Each tarot card needs to be interpreted based upon a guide included with the deck.

Psychics or fortune-tellers most often use tarot cards in their effort to gain deeper insight into the past, present, or future of the individual they are reading for. A typical tarot deck will contain 78 cards. Those cards are then split into two distinct groups, one for major events and the other for a minor.

How do Tarot Cards Work?

Every card in a tarot deck has a unique graphic image. The person reading the card is to then interpret the meaning of that card and how it applies to the individual in question. A guidebook aids in this, but professional tarot card readers will be able to use their intellect and knowledge to provide the meaning of each card as it is read.

There are two options to consider once a card is pulled from a deck.

  • You can read the card and then put it back in the deck – There is nothing that says the card has to remain out of the deck once it is read.
  • You can take time to contemplate the message – The meaning of a particular card may not come to you right away. That is ok. It is acceptable to lay the card to the side and then return to it later once the meaning has come to you. Put it close by so that you do not lose it, and then refer back to it when you are ready.

A best practice when putting a card back into the deck is to face up on the top of the cards you already have in a pile. The rest of the deck should then remain face down in the box. You will keep doing this every time you do a reading, either for yourself or other people.

When it comes time to do a reading, there are some steps that you should follow each and every time. Here is a recommendation from experienced readers who have been using tarot cards for years.

  • Open the box containing the deck of tarot cards – Remember to take care in doing so. You want to preserve the condition of the cards so that they can be used for many years.
  • Hold the cards and do some silent breathing exercises – This is a time to become one with the cards and allow them to begin speaking to you. Take some deep breaths and ask for spiritual guidance as you begin.
  • Tap the cards on the table several times to activate the energy – This will help to get the energy to flow to you as the reader and prepare you to make correct interpretations.
  • The cards should then be shuffled – Remember to shuffle the cards in order to add legitimacy to the reading.
  • Divide the cards into three separate piles and then combine them back into one – This is similar to what you would see done with other types of cards. When you are done, make sure you have one complete deck.
  • The cards are now prepared to read – After you did the previous steps, you are ready to start the reading.
  • Take the cards and spread them out on either the floor in front of you or a table – This is your space to make sure that the cards start speaking to you. Make sure you have plenty of space upon which to do this.
  • Pick the cards that you seem to be especially drawn to – When you see a card that starts to speak to, that is the one that you will want to draw and read.
  • Use the guidebook or your intuition to conduct the reading – Beginners may rely on the guidebook more often, but you should gradually lean towards developing your intuition about what each card means during a reading.

First, it is important to clear the deck if the tarot cards you are using are either brand new or have just been given to you. This is necessary in order to cast away the energy from others and replace it with your own. This gives you ownership over the deck and prepares you to conduct a more accurate reading.

What is the Most Powerful Card in the Tarot?

The most powerful card in a tarot deck is widely purported to be the black inverted mullet. This represents the fool, which is typically one of the most valuable cards that you will find in any tarot deck. This belief dates back to the 1930s when the Taro Nouveau decks began to use this card.

Which is the Best Tarot Card Deck?

Many practitioners claim that the Rider Waite tarot card deck is the best. It has been around for some time, so it is not quite as glamorous and visually appealing as some of the other tarot card decks available today, but it still serves its intended purpose. It provides for a powerful and meaningful reading to all who encounter it.

The 5 Best Tarot Card Decks on the Planet

While there are many tarot card decks in circulation today, some are considered better and more useful than others. So if you are looking for a new deck, or you are just getting started in the practice of reading tarot cards, the following five are purported to be the best on the planet right now.

1. Rider Waite Tarot Deck

This is considered by many to be the one tarot deck that every reader must-have. The cards were first drawn way back in 1909, and the deck has been used continually since then. When looking at each card, you will notice vivid interpretations of both major and minor arcana tarot cards. They offer classical representations that readers find it is easy to convey messages with.

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck is still the most popular around the world with both beginner and advanced readers alike. It should form a part of any collection. If you take a look at the descriptions of most tarot cards in circulation today, you will find that most of them are based on this particular deck in one way or another.

2. The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck

This tarot deck has become so popular because of its brilliant artwork. It is based upon animal spirits, with black and white be the predominant colors of choice. During the reading, various animals will represent events in a person’s life. Concepts such as the size of the animal and what type of environment it lives in are taken into account.

Some animals live in a solitary environment. The cards in the Wild Unknown Tarot Deck can reveal a great deal about the individual in this case. The reader can use deductive reasoning to develop the messages that each card is trying to communicate. In essence, this is one of the best tarot decks on the planet because it invocates animal spirits.

3. Modern Witch Tarot Deck

The Modern Witch Tarot Deck was illustrated by Lisa Sterle, who aimed to provide the world with a more youthful line of characters upon which to gain symbolism from. Each of the characters in this deck is fashionable and tends to be more applicable to our daily lives than you might find with other decks in use today.

This is a deck of tarot cards that is fun to read. They are different than other decks, making them more unique than one might be used to. This makes for a great alternative for new readers who do not necessarily want to start with the more classical look of the Rider Waite deck. You will love the artwork that has gone into each of the cards in this deck.

4. Mystic Mondays Tarot Deck

If you are looking for a tarot deck that is much more modern in its focus and design than those created decades ago, this would be the one. The Mystic Mondays Tarot Deck contains a mixture of vivid artwork, including some with holographic imagery that is rather stunning. These are unlike any other cards most readers have seen before.

As you look through this deck, you will notice a good mixture of rather minimalistic cards combined with extremely colorful ones. It is ideal for readers who use their cards every day. It is known to create positive vibes in the people who are being read for, which is another benefit of the deck.

5. The Modern Way Tarot Deck

The Modern Way Tarot Deck is designed to be a present-day interpretation of the classic Rider Wait deck. The symbolism on each card is pretty much the same, but more emphasis is placed on the elements. This makes each card a bit easier to read and interpret, which makes them ideal for beginners.

This deck comes with an extensive guidebook. In that guidebook, beginners will get some basic instruction about how to conduct an effective reading. In addition, advanced readers will find a section in the guidebook designed just for them. All 78 cards in the deck are also discussed.


Now that you are aware of the best tarot card decks on the planet, it is time to add to your arsenal. Take a look and decide which of these decks would best suit you, and then set out to purchase the cards. You will find that tarot cards can bring great benefit and fulfillment to your life, so consider getting started today.