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The 7 Best Crystals and Stones for Sagittarius Women

“Know Thyself” is not just some dusty, old inscription from a long ago. Understanding yourself is a key ingredient in long-term health and happiness. Knowing and understanding your Zodiac sign is an important part of any self-care. Healing crystals and stones are as old as this saying itself and have become a staple in spiritually-focused, self-care routines.

Crystals like Black Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, and Malachite are some of the best crystals and stones for Sagittarius women. These, along with a few others, can help Sagittarius women achieve the right emotional, physical, and mental balance.

Sagittarius women are avid truth and knowledge seekers with wants, needs, and goals that are unique. As a Sagittarius woman, it is important to understand your unique needs and the right combination of crystals and stones. To find out more, keep reading.  

Table of Contents

What Does Sagittarius Mean?

The Sagittarius is a fiercely independent truth-seeker, born between November 22 and December 21. Despite ascending right at the tail end of the Fall and into the beginning of Winter, this Zodiac is a fire sign, represented by a bow-and-arrow wielding centaur.

Like every Zodiac, the Sagittarius has unique qualities and motivations. The Sagittarius woman is active, adventure-seeking, and loves being a trailblazer. Because of this special combination of qualities, it is crucial to know the stones and crystals that meet the physical, emotional, and intellectual needs of the Sagittarius woman.

What is the Sagittarius Birthstone?

The Sagittarius birthstone is turquoise, which is known for its ability to restore and maintain emotional balance and improve communication. While it is the dominant stone for the Sagittarius woman, it is most effective when used in concert with other powerful gemstones.

To get the most benefit out of the properties of turquoise, it should be used in combination with other powerful healing crystals. But not just any random assortment of crystals and stones will do. As a  Sagittarius, you should choose ones that are compatible with your special characteristics.

Want to buy crystal stones but don’t know from where to buy? Checkout this article for the best crystal shops online

The 7 Best Crystals and Stones for Sagittarius Women

A wide variety of crystals and stones can help you maintain your physical, emotional, and intellectual balance. But there are 7 crystals that best meet the unique needs of the Sagittarius woman.

Best Crystals and Stones for Sagittarius Women - info

Black Tourmaline

Tourmaline comes in various colors, but black tourmaline is one of the most powerful stones for a Sagittarius woman. It has the power to protect your physical, mental, and emotional health against negative energy in your environment.

It also has a reputation for warding off sickness, misfortune, and accidents. In other words, this stone is a good luck charm! Even when things are going well in life, it doesn’t hurt to have that extra layer of optimism and positive energy.

Black tourmaline has a distinct appearance, making it easy to spot in nature.

Rose Quartz

This pale pink stone is not just a piece of jewelry or a staple in your office décor. And while it is associated with the Libra and Taurus zodiac signs, Sagittarius women can benefit from the emotional healing powers of this gem.

The Rose Quartz embodies universal love, kindness, inner peace, and connection and can help restore trust and connection in your relationships as a Sagittarius. By making this stone a part of your self-care routine, your will find calm and reassurance in your daily life.

Lapis Lazuli

This gemstone is noted for its striking and intense marine blue color. The lapis lazuli has been a prized gemstone for over 6,000 years, across a swath of cultures, going as far back as Ancient Egypt.

It complements the rose quartz stone because it is known as the stone of universal wisdom. It stimulates your mind and intuition, enhancing your communication, spiritual growth, and self-expression in the process.


Malachite is a powerful protective stone that wards off negative elements in your environment, including physical pollutants. Whether you’re on a road trip, at work, or in your kitchen, wearing this gemstone around your neck or wrist can help you conquer your fears and guard your focus against disruptions.

Its deep green color will have a calming effect on your mind while boosting your creativity. It is a perfect stone for the Sagittarius woman who loves to be out and about in the world and be great at whatever she sets her mind to.


A cheery and warm, yellow stone, citrine is not just another gem that dispels negative energies. Of all the stones and crystals, it exudes the Sagittarius’ light and fire.

 Citrine possesses the additional power of clearing your mind, enhancing your focus, and boosting your overall confidence. To boot, it has detoxifying properties that can aid your digestive system.

While it sounds as impressive as the other stones we have mentioned, citrine stands out from the rest. It is a manifesting stone that harnesses light, bringing more cheer and optimism to your outlook whenever you’re near it. It’s surprising that it is not the ultimate Sagittarius birthstone.

Purple Amethyst

Purple amethyst is one of the most powerful crystals for Sagittarius. Its healing properties include:

  • Enhancement of your immune system
  • Hormone regulation
  • Skincare
  • Reduction of headaches

In addition to these physical benefits, purple amethyst has a calming effect. It can reduce your anxiety and help you feel calmer in stressful situations. It is also one of the most beautiful crystals out there.

Blue Topaz

While numerous stones and crystals can enhance your creativity in different ways, blue topaz is one of the best creativity-enhancing gemstones for Sagittarius because it can boost concentration and communication.

A boost in creativity and communication can help the Sagittarius woman achieve her goals. After all, the Sagittarius is known as one of the most adventurous and action-oriented Zodiacs. Being able to express your wants, needs, and goals is a key step in being effective and poised.

Final Thoughts

While there are many crystals and stones that can help the Sagittarius woman maintain her long-term physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, the right combination goes a long way. Whether you want t to dispel negative energy or become an effective and compassionate communicator, these are the best seven crystals and stones.

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