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5 Steps to Becoming an Astrologer

Everyone has a different path to becoming an astrologer, but there are a few common steps that everyone should take to solidify their career. These steps are the most commonly taken and highly recommended from other professional astrologers.

The five steps to becoming an astrologer include:

  1. Figuring out what you specialize in
  2. Studying as much as you can
  3. Practicing as much as possible
  4. Creating your astrology business
  5. Remaining ethical with your astrology

Doing the five steps listed above will ensure you become a successful astrologer.

The following article is a more in-depth description of each of the steps listed above. It also includes answers to a few commonly asked questions about becoming an astrologer.

Article Contents

What Does it Take to Become an Astrologer?

It takes a significant amount of time and commitment to become an astrologer. You will be your own boss, so it’s important to put in the time and effort to attend to every client’s astrological needs.

The most popular way to start becoming an astrologist is to study courses online and do your own research. Trying out many different things will help you figure out what branch of astrology you excel at. This will be a good indicator about what area of study you should focus on and offer to your clients. The most important basics of astrology to learn are:

  • Planetary positions
  • Zodiac signs
  • Birth charts

Once you have those basics down, everything else becomes much easier to learn. On average, it takes about a year to fully understand these basics. But some online astrology programs have a curriculum that lasts four years. It’s mainly up to you how long it takes you to learn the basics.

Can Astrology Be a Career?

Astrology can be a career, and a very successful one. There is never a shortage of curious people that want some insight into why they are or who they are. However, it’s up to you to make your career as successful as you want.

Become an Astrologer - Can astrology be a career

Astrology isn’t your typical salary job, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a good career choice. The main thing to be aware of is that astrology jobs with a constant hourly salary are nonexistent. So, the success of your astrology career all depends on you.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can be a successful astrologer. A few ways you can solidify your career are:

  • Writing astrology books
  • Giving tarot and birth chart readings
  • Offering astrology classes
  • Selling astrology-based products, such as zodiac merchandise

With so many different ways to have a successful astrology career, the money making opportunities are endless. If you put in consistent time and effort, astrology can be a very successful career choice.

Do You Need a Certification to Be an Astrologer?

You don’t need official certification to be an astrologer. However, you can get it from online astrology courses like the American Federation of Astrologers. Having certification can help you gain more clients and thus further your career.

If you want to become a small astrology business owner, then you don’t need certification. The most important thing to focus on is perfecting your craft and trusting your skills. But getting certified can also help you get more clients since people tend to trust certifications more than someone’s word. Ultimately, it’s up to you.

If you want to become an important part of the astrology industry, then it’s strongly recommended to get a certification. This especially applies to anyone who wants to teach astrology classes or be an astrology advisor. The majority of astrological education institutions require their teachers or advisors to be certified.

So, before you decide whether to get certified in astrology or not, it’s strongly recommended that you decide what you want to do with it. If it isn’t too important to your career, then you don’t have to worry about it.

5 Steps to Becoming an Astrologer

The main steps you should take towards becoming an astrologer are making your craft and your business unique. It takes both business and astrological knowledge to be a successful astrologer, and these five steps will help you get there.

become an astrologer - infographicEveryone’s path will be different, but these are the most commonly taken steps taken to become an astrologer. Even when you complete all of them, you can be constantly learning from other astrologers. Take in as much knowledge and experience as you can, and you will have a successful astrology career.

1. Figure Out What You Specialize In

Specializing in a certain type or area of astrology can help you perfect a skill that clients are looking for. You can specialize in as few or as many areas and types of astrology as you want.

One thing you can specialize in is a certain type of astrology. There are multiple types of astrology, including:

  • Western astrology
  • Chinese astrology
  • Vedic astrology
  • Kabbalistic astrology

Western astrology is also known as traditional astrology, since it’s the most widespread. Chinese astrology is very similar to western, with the main difference being their zodiac signs and different constellations.

Vedic astrology originated from India and is based on the holy Vedas books. Lastly, Kabbalistic astrology is the rarest form of astrology and originates from Judaism. You can specialize in one or more of these astrology forms but knowing more than one isn’t required to be a successful astrologist.

Furthermore, you can pick a certain aspect of astrology to specialize in. Whether it be reading birth charts or giving tarot card readings, perfecting one certain skill can help make your astrology business unique and stand out to clients. Try out many different things to figure out what you have a talent for and start specializing in it as soon as you can.

2. Study As Much as You Can

Studying as much astrology as you can, will help ensure you have a solid foundation of knowledge. The more you know about astrology, the more likely clients are to trust your skills.

Astrology isn’t something you can learn in one night. It can take months and even years to garner a full understanding of how it works. Even when you think you’ve learned everything, there is always something new to learn. But one of the hardest things about learning astrology isn’t learning how everything works separately. It’s learning how everything works together in the craft.

For example, birth charts correlate heavily with zodiac signs. As a result, you must know all of the zodiac signs in and out in order to read a birth chart correctly. Furthermore, that birth chart can help guide you and your client during a tarot reading. It’s recommended to study and review everything you can until you have a solid understanding of it.

3. Practice as Much as Possible

Practicing your astrological craft will help you get more comfortable with your skills. You need to be confident in them while doing astrological work on your own, but you should also get used to doing them in front of people.

A few great ways to practice your astrological skills is to practice them in front of other people and for yourself. When you practice giving astrological services to others, you will get more comfortable with talking to others about what their birth chart or tarot reading says. You can also practice giving them advice regarding their reading. The more you practice with others, the better you will be with clients.

Practicing astrology on yourself is also a great way to get comfortable with your skills. That way, no one will be there to make you nervous about making mistakes or needing to try something over again. You can make as many mistakes as you want and correct them before sharing your skills with others.

4. Create Your Astrology Business

When you have a specialization in mind and a good handle on every basic skill, it’s time to create your astrology business. The most popular platform for creating an astrology business these days is offering readings and advice through social media and online websites.

Become an Astrologer - create your astrology business

Creating your astrology business with social media and networking is the quickest way to grow it. Social media allows you to reach out to a wide variety of clients easily, you just need to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Figuring out what makes you unique could take some time, trial and error, but it’ll be worth it as you make a name for yourself.

When it comes to the financial aspect of the astrology business, there are plenty of ways you can use social media to make money. For example, advertising that you do tarot readings on a blog or social media site will let people easily find you.

Once you give them their reading, you can ask them to leave a review. The more trusted clients you garner, the more your business will grow. It takes a significant amount of consistency and time, but it’s the best way to have a successful astrology career.

5. Remain Ethical with Your Astrology

Being ethical with your astrology is the most important step to follow. It relates to keeping your client’s information secure and confidential. The more your clients trust you, the more reputable your astrology business will be.

Astrology can sometimes involve subjects that are deeply personal to the client, so it’s important to establish a level of trust between you and them. One way to establish this mutual bond of trust is to give your client a statement of confidentiality, whether written or verbal. It lets the client know that you understand confidentiality and privacy, thus assuring them that they can discuss anything they want with you.

The other most important thing to remember to keep your astrology ethical is to handle touchy subjects with sensitivity. If something negative comes up in a tarot reading or birth chart explanation, then explaining it politely and calmly to the client is the best course of action. The success of your astrology business depends heavily on how much your clients trust you, so it’s important to maintain that trust as best you can.

Final Thoughts

Becoming a professional astrologist takes a significant amount of time and effort. A little trial and error also come with the territory as you try to establish your business and name in the astrology industry. But if you keep learning and practicing as much as you can, you will have a successful astrology career.