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Meanings of the 11 Most Common Astrology Cards

If you’ve learned all about your astrology chart enough to know your sun, moon, and rising signs, then there’s a good chance that you’ve also come across tarot cards. What many people don’t realize is that tarot cards and astrology are very much aligned. Each of the different tarot cards corresponds with a sign, planet, or elemental combination within astrology. There is even a tarot card for each of the zodiac signs.

The 11 most common astrology cards are the moon, the sun, the star, the devil, strength, the hanged man, the lovers, the emperor, the magician, the fool, and the wheel of fortune. Each of these cards represents a unique meaning.

We are going to take a look at 11 of the most commonly known tarot cards in astrology. Here, you will learn all about the meanings of these eleven cards, what they symbolize, and what each card might mean when they come up in a tarot reading.

Table of Contents

How Are Astrology Cards Different?

Astrology cards, also known as tarot cards are different to a regular deck of cards as each card has a specific meaning within astrology. There are many different cards in a common tarot deck and each one represents a different meaning. Below, we will take a look at the differences between astrology cards:

Are There Categories for Astrology Cards?

The standard modern tarot deck is made up of 78 cards and these 78 cards are divided into two main groups – the major arcana group which consists of 22 cards and the minor arcana group which consists of 56 cards.

Major Arcana

Each of the major arcana cards has pictures that represent various forces, vices, virtues, and characters. The 22 cards in this category are numbered up to XXI with the addition of the fool card which doesn’t have a number. Below is a list of the major arcana cards in order:

  • Juggler or magician – I
  • Papess or female pope – II
  • Empress – III
  • Emperor – IV
  • Pope – V
  • Lovers – VI
  • Chariot – VII
  • Justice – VIII
  • Hermit – IX
  • Wheel of Fortune – X
  • Strength or Fortitude – XI
  • Hanged Man – XII
  • Death – XIII
  • Temperance – XIV
  • Devil – XV
  • Lightning Struck Tower – XVI
  • Star – XVII
  • Moon – XVIII
  • Sun – XIX
  • Last Judgement – XX
  • World or Universe – XXI
  • The Fool

Minor Arcana

The 56 cards of the minor arcana are divided into four suits and each of the suits contains 14 cards. These suits are comparable to modern playing cards. Below is a list of the four suits in tarot cards:

  • Wands, batons, or rods
  • Cups
  • Swords
  • Coins, pentacles, or disks

Each of these four suits features 10 numbered cards as well as a king, queen, knight, and jack.

What is the difference between major arcana and minor arcana cards?

The major arcana cards represent monumental and ground-breaking influences. These cards represent our journeys and each of the cards represent a powerful message. They represent life-changing motions that will define the beginnings or ends of certain cycles. These important cards appear during major transitions in our life and signal distinctive moments of transformations. The numbers of the cards represent different stations along our journey of life and the order of the numbers reveals the passing of time.

The minor cards, however, represent our everyday matters. The images on the cards represent people doing regular activities such as drinking, dancing, arguing, or sleeping. These cards tend to come up during gentle transitions that may only have a minor influence on our lives or maybe temporary.

What are the Most Common Astrology Cards?

The most commonly known cards are part of the major arcana deck and these cards tend the represent the most influential changes in our lives. Below is a list of the most common tarot astrology cards:

  • The Moon
  • The Sun
  • The Star
  • The Devil
  • Strength
  • The Hanged Man
  • The Lovers
  • The Emperor
  • The Magician
  • The Fool
  • Wheel of Fortune

The cards are the most well-known tarot cards as these cards represent the most influential meanings and transitions in our lives. Read on below to find out more about each of these influential tarot cards.

Meanings of the 11 Most Common Astrology Cards

So now that you know the 11 most common astrology cards, it’s time to take a look at what each of these cards means. When these cards come up in a tarot reading, they each represent different meanings and emotions that we can interpret according to our current life experiences.

Take a look at the list below for the meanings of the 11 most common astrology cards:

The Moon

The moon card represents the mutable water sign Pisces. Similar to the star sign Pisces, this card is all about swimming into the unknown and getting lost within the depths of our feelings.

Most commonly, this card represents shadow work and the exploration of those things that are hidden within the shadows of our unconscious. The Pisces astrology sign is similar to this in the fact that it is a transcendental sign that loves exploring the deepest parts of the soul that are most often hidden from view.

The Sun

The sun card is warm and fulfilling and carries beautiful rays of sunshine. This card mostly represents both joy and optimism.

If you pull this card out during a tarot reading, then you can expect great things as it represents all of the good and beautiful parts of life. You will likely feel the happiness radiating from you. This is a feeling that you embrace fully.

The Star

The star tarot card corresponds with the star sign of Aquarius which is a fixed air sign. This card is all about our ability to have faith, hope, and wishes. It also represents rejuvenation and rebirthing.

This is similar to the star sign Aquarius as this sign is a very forward-thinking and visionary sign. The star is associated with dreaming and wishing for a better future. Aquarians are always using innovation that will benefit the collective wellness of humanity and that helps to carry the world into a new era.

The star and Aquarius both remind us of the amazing potential and the unimaginable possibilities that lie ahead of us all. When this card comes up in a reading, you can look forward to all of the potentials of achieving your dreams.

The Devil

The devil card corresponds with the Capricorn sign which is a cardinal earth sign. While many people may freak out when the devil card comes out in a reading, there is no need to worry. The devil does not represent evil or negativity.

This card actually represents the material world, consumption, and costs. This card is a calling for us to evaluate all of the things that we are signing over to other people, whether that be material things or emotional things.

The Capricorn sign is similar to this card as a Capricorn’s focus is mostly on success and material wealth. This is why Capricorn’s are known as the most hardworking signs in astrology. It is very easy for modern humans to get lost in materialism. However, the devil card reminds us to remain conscious of our indulgences.


The strength tarot card corresponds with the fixed fire astrology sign Leo. This card is all about independence and control. However, it also represents a balanced sense of power.

Not only is the card about compassion, but it is also about control. Leo’s are known for being attention-seeking, however, this passion for wanting to be the centre of attention is just as strong as their generosity.

Leo’s are the royalty of the zodiac and this sign represents passion, warmth, and heart, all of which are represented by the strength card. When this card comes up in a reading, it reminds us of all of our strengths and encourages us to move forward with confidence and love.

The Hanged Man

Many people’s first impression of the hanged man card is that it is a negative card, however, that is not the case. The hanged man card is not as negative as it may initially sound.

The image on the hanged man card is actually an upside-down person that is in a state of meditation. When this card comes out during a reading, it may represent the fact that you are currently under a lot of stress.

This card encourages you to avoid surrendering to this stress. It can act as a reminder to you to slow down and take a break. The universe always has your back and can do its thing while you take a break. This card reminds you that you should trust the universe and allow it to line up for your greater good.

The Lovers

The lovers card represents the mutable air sign Gemini. This card is all about making choices, partnerships, and duality.

Similar to the two lovers on the lovers card, the astrology sign Gemini is represented by twins. The twins in Gemini represent two ends of the spectrum at once and so duality is a big part of this sign as well as this card.

When this card comes up in a reading, it tends to represent a choice. It encourages you to think about the biggest choice in your life right now and to finally make a decision. It is a calling to remind us that remaining on the fence for too long is unhealthy as so a choice is imminent.

The Emperor

The emperor card represents the cardinal fire sign Aries. This card represents leadership and taking charge. An emperor is a ruler that has a lot of power, therefore, this card represents a similar kind of power.

This card also represents impatience. When the emperor comes up, it represents a desire to want to take immediate action. These representations are very similar to the astrology sign of Aries as this sign is the fearless leader of the zodiac.

Aries are well-known for their impulsive behaviours and they are also very proactive. Pulling this card can represent a need to add more structure to your life. It encourages you to take your time with new adventures and new projects so that you can focus on getting all of the details right.

The Magician

The magician card is the card that represents manifestations. Most of the time, the picture on this card is a man that has one hand on the ground and one hand pointing up to the sky.  This represents the ability your to turn all dreams into a reality.

When you pull this card in a tarot reading, it acts as a sign that you will be able to achieve your dreams. All you need is a bit of hard work and imagination to make your dreams become a reality.

The Fool

Many of those who are new to astrology cards think that the fool is a negative card. However, this is not the case. The meaning of this card is actually quite positive.

The fool card represents new beginnings and fresh starts. When this card comes up in a reading, it may represent that you are about to embark on a new journey. This card acts as a reminder that you should stay present in the moment and remain hopeful on your new endeavours.

Wheel of Fortune

The wheel of fortune card represents the constant changes in our lives as we all know that what goes up must also come down.

When this card comes up in a reading, it encourages you to enjoy all of the great moments in your life. Whether you’re making a lot of money or your madly in love, you should enjoy all of these moments as something bad can happen at any moment – that’s just the way of life.

If this card comes up at a bad time in your life, it acts as a reminder that you should hold on because the bad times will always pass and something good is right around the corner.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are many different astrology cards and each one has a unique meaning. In this article, we have taken a look at the most common cards with the greatest meanings in a tarot reading. There is a lot to learn with tarot readings and the more research you do, the better you will get at understanding the meanings of each of the cards.