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Aquarius Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits

The Aquarius zodiac sign belongs to those born between January 20th and February 18th each year. Aquarius personalities share numerous positive and negative traits that make them unique from other zodiac signs. These traits can make them the best friends to some and the worst enemies to others.

The most common personality traits for an Aquarius include their visionary progressiveness and intelligence. In addition, they are considered to be one of the most forward thinking and intellectual signs in the zodiac, and they use those traits to better themselves and the people around them.

The following article is a more detailed description of the personality traits an Aquarius has. It also includes a brief explanation of how Aquarius interacts with other zodiac signs.

Table of Contents

The Most Common Personality Traits of an Aquarius

The most common personality traits an Aquarius has include: 

  • Intelligence
  • Visionary progressiveness
  • Creativity
  • Idealism
  • Condescending attitude
  • Detachedness

While some Aquariuses might display these traits more than others, they are typically present in each person born under this zodiac sign.

These are also not the only traits that an Aquarius can have. But they are the most common and set Aquarius’s apart from the rest of the zodiac.

What are Aquarius Strengths?

The main strengths of an Aquarius include:

  • Intelligence
  • Visionary progressiveness
  • Creativity

They have a very easy time making connections with other people and being optimistic about their future plans.

Aquariuses are extremely intellectual beings, and they are always thinking about possible solutions to issues they care about. They can see the possibilities in any solution and spend hours analyzing something until they fully understand it. Aquariuses are considered the best zodiac sign to have. They are well-rounded and provide you with informative conversation.

They have a  talent for problem solving, and it feeds into their visionary progressiveness and creativity. Aquariuses are always looking to improve themselves and the world around them, usually by providing a solution to a problem and putting it into action. They do whatever they can to make the world a better place, whether it’s a personal change or a worldwide change.

Their creativity also plays a significant role in how they solve problems. Aquariuses are not afraid to challenge societal norms if it means making a change. This also leads them to be more eccentric, but it can be very beneficial when a new solution is needed.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign Personality Traits - What are aquarius strengths

What are Aquarius's Weaknesses?

The main weaknesses of an Aquarius include:

  • Idealism
  • Condescending attitude
  • Detachedness

Since they are always thinking, they can lose track of all the ideas they have. Aquarius’s also need constant stimulation and often get bored quickly if they’re left alone for too long.

The idealism of an Aquarius can help motivate them to find the best solutions to things, but this can soon turn into an issue of perfectionism. When they don’t reach their ideal solution, an Aquarius can become frustrated. They will not stop until they reach a perfect solution, and this can sometimes be their downfall.

An Aquarius’s intelligence can also cause them to analyze every angle of a problem, which leaves very little room for them to have an emotional reaction. This can make an Aquarius seem detached and emotionless, which can lead to negative interactions.

On the other hand, an Aquarius can become so immersed in their thought process that they think their ideas are the only correct ones. They have analyzed every angle and gone through every solution, making sense to them that their solution is the only correct one. This method of thinking can lead others to view them as condescending, that an Aquarius doesn’t value what other people think.

While these negative traits can hinder Aquarius’s personality, they are balanced out with their positive traits.

Who Should an Aquarius Marry?

The best romantic matches for an Aquarius are:

  • A Gemini
  • A Libra
  • A Sagittarius
  • Another Aquarius

All of these zodiac signs have multiple compatible traits, making them an ideal romantic partner for an Aquarius.

Gemini and Aquarius signs are free spirits who aren’t afraid to bend the rules, so they are ideal partners in crime. They both enjoy analyzing the world around them and can talk about it with each other for others. These traits can foster a strong and fast connection, but it’s important that both signs be honest with their partner for this relationship to be healthy.

Libras are also adventurous spirits, a perfect match for the spirit of an Aquarius. The relationship between these two would be filled with fun and excitement. However, it is important to note that the passionate side of a Libra and the detached side of an Aquarius might be a source of contention. If both sides communicate effectively, then a Libra and Aquarius relationship can be very successful.

Sagittarius and Aquarius signs share a zest for life, and this trait can foster a quick and intense attraction. These signs also tend to be very open with each other, ensuring a healthy communication dynamic. However, both signs are very independent, so it’s important to ensure they each maintain their sense of self outside of the relationship.

What Is an Aquarius's Most Attractive Trait?

The most attractive trait an Aquarius has is their ability to look at problems from all sides and form a well-researched opinion. The Aquarius sign is the best sign to go to if you want the most accurate and unbiased information on a certain subject.

The thing that sets Aquariuses apart from the rest of the zodiac is their analytical abilities. This trait makes them the best person to go to for unbiased and well researched information on a subject. People tend to admire this trait because it makes Aqauriuses effective advice givers, and they can be very helpful when it comes to solving problems.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign Personality Traits - aquarius's most attractive trait

What is Aquariuses Enemy?

The most common enemies of an Aquarius are:

  • Virgo
  • Taurus
  • Capricorn

These signs tend to have the most clashing personality traits, so they don’t get along well with Aquarius’s.

Virgos tend to keep tabs on people, keeping track of everything they do and storing it away for future interactions. Unfortunately, this habit tends to rub Aquariuses the wrong way since they prefer to analyze things depending on the current moment at hand. These differentiating approaches can drive Virgos and Aquarius’s away from each other, thus resulting in an enemy relationship.

Tauruses generally prefer to follow the rules and guidelines set before them, while Aquariuses would rather do their own thing. Aquariuses don’t care too much about bending or even breaking the rules if it means they will get to a solution quicker, but Taurus’s wholeheartedly disagree. This inability to be on the same page makes Taurus and Aquarius placements likely enemies, so they should avoid each other.

Finally, there is usually a power struggle between Capricorns and Aquarius’s whenever they are interacting. Capricorns always want to control the conversation and make sure what they have to say gets heard. Aquariuses also tend to do this and can become condescending when they feel their ideas are being challenged. This power clash can result in intense enemy relationships between Capricorns and Aquariuses.

What is Aquariuse's Best Friend?

The most likely sign to be best friends with an Aquarius is a Libra. They are both air signs, and they both enjoy debating and conversing about different ideas and solutions to problems. They can listen to each other and build a bond quickly and easily.

Libras and Aquariuses each have traits that can make the other better. For example, Libras can help their Aquarius friends break down walls and be more open to hearing other ideas. Aquariuses can also help their Libra friends be slightly less diplomatic and help them become more assertive in advocating for their solution.

Aquariuses thoroughly enjoy seeking people out, especially those willing to converse with them about whatever is on their minds. Some other good matches for Aquarius’s in friendship include:

  • Geminis
  • Aries’s
  • Sagittarius’s

Geminis and Aquariuses both enjoy learning as much as possible about the world around them. They will also be more willing to sure the knowledge they have garnered with each other, making for great conversation and bonding. Gemini and Aquarius signs are also both very independent, so they can have their own separate lives while still maintaining a meaningful friendship.

However, the friendship between a Gemini and an Aquarius can also go south because of their need for independence. While an Aquarius is fine on their own, they still need to interact with people more than a Gemini might prefer. Geminis are primarily introverted, whereas Aquarius’s are usually extroverts. So, it’s important to be wary of this potential conflict in a Gemini and Aquarius friendship.

The friendship between an Aries and an Aquarius will always be full of surprises. Aries always have high energy levels and the need to utilize them. This trait is very compatible with an Aquariuses need to exercise their creativity and zest for life. These two will always have a good time together, exploring the world and trying new things.

But an Aries and Aquarius can face conflict when it comes to their impulsiveness or lack thereof. Aries signs will usually jump headfirst into a situation or problem, while an Aquarius prefers to analyze every aspect of a situation before deciding what the best solution is.

Lastly, Aquariuses and Sagittariuses can have a very successful friendship. Sagittarius signs aren’t afraid to step out of their comfort zones and try things that might not work, same as Aquarius signs. They also look at the world in very different ways, which can lead to intellectually stimulating and engaging conversations.

The last shared quality can also prove to be the downfall of an Aquarius and Sagittarius friendship. Their conflicting views of the world can lead to contention between them, and possibly result in the friendship ending. But as long as they both have a mutual respect for each other and their views, the friendship can be very beneficial for the both of them.

Final Thoughts

The positive personality traits of an Aquarius make it one of the most analytical and intelligent signs in the zodiac. However, their negative traits can make it hard for them to present themselves in accordance with their good ideas, leading them to become frustrated since nobody will hear what they have to say. But if they manage to find a romantic or platonic counterpart that has traits that they lack, an Aquarius can become a better person all around.