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Aries Zodiac Sign: Personality Trait

Aries is often regarded as one of the most “intense” zodiac signs. Their fiery nature may turn people off at first, but when you get down to it, they’re often amazing people to have in your life.

Generally, an Aries person is very ambitious, straightforward, and opinionated. They’re natural risk-takers who will do anything to achieve their goals, even taking things to a reckless level at times. Aries’s are very opinionated and honest about their views, leading some people to view them as insensitive.

Keep reading below to learn more about the Aries personality type, as well as some of their strengths, weaknesses, and compatibilities.

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The Most Common Personality Traits of an Aries

Because Aries is a fire sign, people with birthdays that fall under this zodiac sign often display a lot of intense traits. Some of these traits are typically regarded as positive, but some others are often viewed as negative. A few of the traits an Aries might possess include:

  • Brave
  • Ambitious
  • Honest
  • Passionate
  • Competitive
  • Independent

Keep reading to learn more about these traits, how they present themselves in the Aries personality, and how they can become strengths or weaknesses.

What Are an Aries’s Strengths?

Most Aries have powerful, intense personality traits. Because they are often polarizing, many of these strong characteristics can present themselves as either a strength or a weakness, depending on the situation or the person they are interacting with. Let’s discuss a few of the common Aries traits that others typically view as positive.

Brave, Natural Risk-Takers

Aries crave excitement in their day-to-day lives, and they usually love to try new things. They will often be the first on board with exciting but potentially dangerous activities, such as rock climbing, bungee jumping, or ziplining.

While there are a lot of people who would be too afraid to participate in things like this, Aries’s natural desire for excitement will help them gladly take on these challenges. They are fearless and strong in the face of a challenge and would never turn down an opportunity due to fear.

Ambitious, Driven, and Determined

An Aries person is always thinking about things with their goals at the forefront of their mind. They would do anything to achieve these goals, making them very ambitious and determined. When they set their mind to something, they’re not easily deterred.

An Aries will always stick to their commitments and do so with a positive attitude. They have the self-confidence to believe they can accomplish anything. Aries individuals are organized and plan everything to a T, making sure to finish whatever they start. Almost everything they do is to work towards both their short and long-term goals.

Passionate and Loyal

In their interpersonal relationships, Aries are very passionate and fiercely loyal. Although some individuals may find it hard to get along with an Aries at first, the friends they do make and keep become some of the most important people to them.

If you tell an Aries a secret, you can trust that it will always be well-kept, and they will never go behind your back or say anything to you that they do not mean. They love those close to them with everything they have and will not tolerate anyone speaking badly about the people they care about.

Independent and Individualistic

An Aries individual is almost always incredibly independent. They don’t need or want help from anyone as they work towards their goals, or even in their day-to-day life. They are courageous enough to be able to set, work towards, and accomplish their goals on their own, with little to no assistance from outside sources. Although some people may view this as a flaw, it’s very admirable for someone to be completely self-made, knowing exactly what they need to do to live their life to the fullest.

What are an Aries’s Weaknesses?

While an Aries’s strong personality paves the way for many strong points, it can also be a way for certain weaknesses to show through. Read below to learn about a few of the weaknesses that may come along with the Aries personality type.

Unfiltered, Unapologetic, and Brutally Honest

Although honesty is typically considered a positive trait, some people who are Aries tend to take it too far. They can sometimes have little to no filter, will not sugarcoat anything they say, and if something you do upsets them, they will be the first to let you know. While some people may appreciate this bluntness, it does not sit right with everyone.

When honesty goes too far, it can lead to a lot of hurt feelings and broken relationships. Combine this with their stubbornness and unapologetic nature, and you’ll realize you often need to be a pretty strong person to have a close relationship with an Aries!

Competitive and Arrogant

As discussed above, Aries have a natural determination and desire to succeed, no matter the circumstances. This can lead them to become incredibly competitive in certain environments, stopping at nothing to win at whatever it is they are doing.

While a little bit of a competitive streak is nothing out of the ordinary, the arrogance, selfishness, and irritability (if they do not succeed) that can follow may become an issue. Being in a competitive setting with an Aries will not usually be very comfortable, so you might not want to put yourself in this situation if you know your friend can be a sore winner or sore loser!

Easily Bored and Reckless

Aries are natural risk-takers, which as we’ve discussed, can definitely be considered a strength. However, they sometimes take this trait too far by making reckless decisions. An Aries will need excitement in their lives, and some will do anything to satisfy this craving. They may be more likely to do things such as drive too fast or engage in risky social behaviors. And, because of their strong opinions, it may be difficult to talk them out of these decisions.

Hotheaded and Impatient

Hotheadedness is possibly one of the most well-known traits of an Aries. They tend to have very short tempers and can get angry pretty quickly, even over little things. Because of this, they typically do not get along very well with other short-tempered people, or with very sensitive people. They can also get impatient quickly, leading to more anger and hostility if you’re not moving fast enough for them.

Who Should an Aries Marry?

Above all else, Aries are attracted to people who can keep up with them. They are passionate individuals, and this extends into their romantic lives. They’re typically drawn to fierce, emotionally honest people, and because they value honesty over everything, they always want their partner to be upfront about their intentions, wants, and needs.

The perfect partner for an Aries will share their love of risk-taking. They crave excitement and speak a language of passion, so they’re often compatible with other fire signs like Sagittarius and Leo. Sometimes, however, opposites attract – they are also usually a very good match with Libras!

While having a romantic relationship with an Aries is very exciting, it does come with its downsides. Usually, Aries are allured by the idea of being in a monogamous relationship. However, they do like to “play the field.” When they do fall in love, they often do so without even realizing it is happening.

They want to be impressed, and may get bored quickly if the relationship is not exciting enough. To have a successful relationship with an Aries, you cannot be put off by their bluntness and will need to keep things interesting.

What is an Aries’s Most Attractive Trait?

Above all else, an Aries individual’s most attractive trait is their self-confidence and belief that they can do whatever they set their mind to. It’s well known that people are attracted to those who exude confidence, and that is often what draws people to Aries.

However, this confidence may come off as arrogance to some, so you must know you can handle this before getting into a relationship or friendship with this zodiac sign.

What is an Aries’s Enemy?

Because of their bluntness, high level of confidence, and stubborn tendencies, Aries typically will not get along with anyone who tends to take things personally. They often butt heads with water signs, and with Cancers especially. Remember, Aries is a fire sign, and we all know what the opposite of fire is!

While some Aries can get along very well with Cancers and other water signs, both people must understand how to navigate each other’s personalities. Aries need to be able to edit themselves at times, no matter how difficult it may be, and others will need to learn to take what an Aries says with a grain of salt.

In addition to water signs, Capricorn is another sign that may not get along well with Aries. While both groups are very organized, ambitious, and driven, Capricorns are much more practical. Because Aries are risk-takers, they may feel as though they do not have the freedom to be who they are around Capricorns, who are more restrained in their personalities. 

What Is an Aries’s Best Friend?

Typically, Aries individuals get along best with Geminis and Sagittariuses. Just like in their romantic relationships, they love to have friends who can keep up with their fast-paced way of life and who keep them entertained. Aries are very loyal friends, but will lose respect for you quickly if they feel you are mistreating them.

Aries and Gemini bring out the best in each other. An Aries will never be bored when hanging out with a Gemini, because they both share an “I’ll try anything once!” mentality. Like Aries, Geminis know how to effectively work towards a goal and make a plan of action. Although both signs have their weaknesses, they complement each other very well.

Aries also typically get along very well with Sagittarius individuals. These are both fun-loving, open-minded personalities, and Sagittariuses can almost always handle the self-confidence and braveness of an Aries. Plus, they both enjoy an athletic challenge! Sagittarius typically appreciates the honesty of Aries, which is sometimes not an easy thing to do.


At the end of the day, Aries are honest and direct, ambitious, and brave. They bring an element of passion to everything they do, and are incredibly loyal to those who love them. However, they can get unnecessarily competitive and are quick to anger, so it’s important to remember to take the good with the bad when dealing with such a strong personality.