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Libra Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits

A Libra is an air sign whose symbol is a scale. This symbol is powerful because it represents most Libras’ urge to balance things fairly and maintain peace between people. The time of birth of Libras is between September 23 and October 22. The planet Venus represents Libras; Venus also governs love, beauty, and money. 

Libras are the queens and kings of compromise. They love making sure that everyone around them is comfortable and in peace with each other. Sometimes this is a good thing, but it can cost them a lot as they will always compromise to give others space. Due to this trait, they tend to be good lovers, friends, and partners. 

Libras are also fascinating individuals because of their keen eyes. They have a good eye when it comes to art, music, and aesthetics. They fancy beautiful places and appearances; this tends to define people they date too. They prefer those with great style and similar taste in the finer things. 

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Most common Libra personality traits

Just like other signs, Libras have personality traits that are both positive and negative. When it comes to Libras in general, there are common traits that you will find amongst most of them like; 

  • Making things balanced; Libras will fight for your rights no matter who you are, as they believe that everyone should get equal rights and opportunities. They also do this because they hate conflict. Peace-making tends to be their core role when you contact them either at work or as a family member. 
  • Social butterflies; most Libras love being in the company of many people. Libra represents “we,” unlike its opposite sign Aries, which stands for “me.” Libras find balance in companionship, and most have fashionable partners to match their most aesthetically pleasing taste. 
  • Compromise; Libras dwell in making compromises with people. If they come in a room where two parties can’t make amends, they will most likely come up with an in-between compromising line that will bring the two parties together, squashing their differences. This trait also reflects in their relationships, where they would rather compromise than fight over a matter. 
  • Aesthetics and appearances; Libras have good taste in music, are interested in art, and love to surround themselves with an aesthetically pleasing environment and lovely things. Even when they date, their partner’s fashion and appearance are what will win them over. 
  • Overanalyze; Libras tend to overthink situations and over analyze them. For the most part, this leads to procrastination. Even though they tend to have good ideas and plans, putting them into action is always something difficult for them to do. 

Libra strengths

Libra is a powerful sign that comes with a lot of good qualities. Some of these include; 


Libras are peacemakers who tend to squash other people’s problems or their own by making sure there is always justice. Libras tend to choose their words carefully to achieve common ground with as many individuals as possible. You or someone you know in your life could have this exact trait of mending fences and building bridges. Maybe we should have Libras as leaders instead of most of the other signs, honestly. 

Libra Zodiac Sign - Personality Traits - Diplomatic

Great Listeners

Libras are good listeners as they are observant too. Just like most of the other air signs, they love information, news, and education. A Libra is an excellent zodiac sign as they will drop their activities to give a friend time to vent. They are also great at giving advice due to their ability to see issues logically and paying attention to both sides of the conflict. 


Libras are optimistic, and they tend to see the good in everyone. Despite all the hate in the world right now, they still see everything positively, giving the benefit of the doubt to anyone. Due to this ideological trait, Libras tend to find it hard to 100% commit to something if there is another option. They believe that through logic and analysis, they can create the perfect pathways through life. 

Love beautiful things

For Libras, appearances matter a lot. If it looks good, then it is good. From partners to the look of their rooms, Libras concentrate on making the appearances appealing and choosing only the best-looking things/partners. 

Cooperative and Social

Libras love working in groups or a team. When it comes to finding solutions, they prefer doing it with others which dives into their passion for balance. For Libras, teamwork is the best way to get anything done. Libras also love a social setting. They have excellent social skills hence why they love being around people. They enjoy learning new things and getting to know people. 


A Libra is a quick thinker and ends up being able to solve many problems on a whim. They are also great in conversations as they always have something witty to say. If ever in a difficult situation, your answer is that Libra friend of yours; since they will help. 


Not only are Libras friendly, but they are also incredibly charming. They have a charm that is very attractive to others. Their appeal makes them find it difficult to say no to. They are very persuasive, and when they ask you for information or anything, it will be difficult to deny them. 

Libra Weaknesses

Despite their many positive traits, some of them tend to have two sides bringing about weaknesses in Libras. 


Libras are a bit lazy and prefer to do easy things both physically and mentally. Because of how lazy they can be, this sometimes affects their jobs and relationships as they choose not to do laborious work.

Libra Zodiac Sign - Personality Traits - Lazy


Libras tend to weigh options for way too long, leading to overthinking. Most of the time, this makes them miss out on great things since they are trying so hard to deal with this one decision. They are also people-pleasers, so they’re indecisive because they prefer not to hurt any of the parties involved, which is a hard bargain. If they make a decision, you’re sure that it took them up to days of overthinking to make that conclusion. 


Libras are known to be flighty and fickle. Most of the time, you will not be able to rely on them. Since they are social butterflies, Libras tend to talk a lot and most of the time gossip, so you can’t rely on them to keep your secret safe. Libras also take on various personalities and can’t stand up for themselves most of the time. 


Since their ruling planet is Venus, Libras tend to love beautiful things. Since they concentrate on looks, they will spend a lot of time on their grooming and skincare routines. Even though this will affect their relationships, you will never find a libra hanging out or dating someone they deem less attractive. 


Due to their love for the law and bringing about equality in situations and solving them is consistently fair in matters that don’t involve them; once they are in the mix, tables turn. They will always be biased and painstakingly explain to you why you should let them use the bathroom to take a one-hour long shower instead of letting you take a two-minute leak first. Logic doesn’t apply to their situations, and no one can convince them otherwise. 


Since Libras are peacemakers, they hate confrontations. They could help others come to terms, but when it comes to their situations, some of them prefer to sweep things under the rug if it means they need to confront someone. 


Libras tend to be self-absorbed, and when things don’t go their way, they will linger in their little world and throw a pity party for themselves without paying attention to the bigger picture. 

Who should marry a libra?

According to, the perfect matches for a Libra are Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. 


The compatibility between the two arises due to their shared personality. Both are air signs, and due to their intellectual capacity, they tend to hold conversations that go on for hours. Geminis tend to retain the ability to be gentle and understanding, with Libras giving them affection when they’ve over-exerted themselves bedding backward for others. 

When a Libra and Gemini date, they tend to mirror each other’s personalities, so you’ll find them being very empathetic and understanding towards each other. 

Fights are fewer between the two since they share even the alarming traits of indecision, spending money, and they both love attention from other people. All that both signs require is communication on boundaries, and everything will be well. 


Libras get drawn to Leo’s dominant, passionate and flashy style, while Leos get drawn to Libras’s sophisticated style, charm, and cleverness. Libras love to offer genuine compliments, which Leos appreciate so much as they love attention. 

Both parties love being the center of attention, and this makes them compatible. Even where a libra takes time to make decisions, a Leo will cover up for them and make an instantaneous decision. Even though this can be helpful if you’re deciding on where to have dinner, it can also be dangerous because Libras tend to give too much power and end up not speaking up. 

This compatibility goes hand-in-hand as both signs are social, outgoing, and love the center of attention. Leos love showing off Libras as they are always classy and refined, while Libras love being arm-candy. So these two are perfect for each other. 


Libras get attracted to the spontaneous and adventurous personality of Sagittarius. In comparison, Sagittarius loves the attractive, outgoing, and optimistic. When the two come together, they both are outgoing, charismatic, extroverted, and a bit flirty. 

A combination of Sagittarius and Libra is fun. They both hate confrontation but still don’t shy from talking about unavoidable matters. Sagittarius makes impulsive decisions helping out Libras when they can’t make any of them. Even though Libras love taking care of their looks, Sagittarius doesn’t give it much time, and there will always be one partner waiting for the other to get ready.

Even though a Sagittarius loves spending money, it’s not on shoes and clothes like a libra loves, and this could sometimes bring about conflicts if not addressed. Also, another difference in personalities is in communication. A libra takes talks using a language that will not hurt either party in a confrontation, but a Sagittarius is blunt and straightforward, damaging Libra’s feelings. 


A match between a libra and Aquarius is fun and light. Both are good communicators, fun-loving, rational, and objective. When these two come together, they have an instantaneous mental connection. 

Since both want a lover and a best friend in one package, your relationship might start as best friends then progress to more than friends. Even though Libras love social approval, Aquarius doesn’t care one bit for it and will end up being rebellious, which for the most part, won’t bother Libras at all. When it comes to commitment, an Aquarius partner might take longer to be comfortable with the idea since they love their independence.

What is Libra's most attractive trait?

Libra Zodiac Sign - Personality Traits - What is Libra's most attractive trait

The most attractive libra trait is how charming and harmonious they are; they always maintain fairness. They are gentle and kind with everyone they meet because they don’t like seeing others hurt and see the good in others that most people overlook. 

When your friend or partner is a libra, they will always stand up for you to make sure you don’t get unfair treatment, and when you need life advice, they’re the best people to talk to because they think and ponder hard on a decision weighing the pros and cons. You will be sure to get great advice from them. 

What is Libra's enemy?

The worst enemies for Libras tend to be Virgos, Aries, and Scorpio. Aries is all about themselves, while Libras tend to think about everyone in the group, making those two very incompatible. Libra and Virgo can’t get along because Libra wastes too much time while Virgos love efficiency. On the other hand, Scorpios are all about tough love, which Libras want nothing to do with. 

What is Libra's best friend?

Libras are sharp-witted, very friendly, and pleasant. Because of their friendliness, they tend to have like ten best friends. But despite having so many friends, Libras never have a deep connection with many people. They will know many things about you, but you may find yourself not knowing anything about them. But when they make a connection with a best friend, it is for life. 

According to, the best friend to match a libra is a Gemini. Geminis keep Libras on their toes and take them for big adventures. Geminis also have the patience to stick around and help Libras devise a decision faster than they usually do. Geminis are helpful in showing Libras that life is fun, and they will always go out, be sociable, and make merry. Geminis also help Libras come out of their shells and teach them how to stand up for themselves. 


Libras are a fun air sign that anyone would love to have as a friend. Even though they aren’t compatible with some other uptight signs, Libras are fun-loving individuals who make it their job to maintain peace. These are very diplomatic individuals, and I’m sure we would all have loved it if all our leaders were Libras.