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Is Learning Astrology Hard? Here’s the Truth!

Astrology is very intricate and composed of numerous branches. It is a type of divination that gleans information from the movements and interactions of celestial bodies to make observations about the future. The complexity of this process can influence the amount of time and effort it takes to learn astrology.

As a whole, learning astrology can be hard. There are many variables to study to be able to provide relevant interpretations based on celestial movements. The amount of study will depend on the country and the branch, and achieving certifications can be complex.

If you’re interested in becoming an astrologer, read on to learn more about this journey and how long it can take. This will help with the decision of whether to do it or not, and it will also guide you if you decide it is the correct choice for you.

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Is Learning Astrology Hard?

Astrology can be officially traced back to Babylonia in the 2nd millennium BC, but there are indications that it was already done in Mesopotamia and Hindu cultures before that too. It flourished in some of the most important civilizations worldwide, including the Mayans, the Chinese, and the Indians. 

Learning astrology can be hard, and it may take a long time and constant effort. This is partly due to the many elaborate astrological systems that continue to be used across the globe. In the East, astrology has been used to determine how celestial movement can impact events on earth. 

In the West, it usually serves a more person-centric purpose and makes use of horoscopes. Birth charts are one of the most preferred types of study, and they are used to interpret how celestial movements can influence someone’s personality and life at the time of their arrival into the world.

The most important astrology traditions that continue to shape its study today were the following:

  • Babylonian
  • Islamic
  • Hellenistic
  • Hindu
  • Chinese
  • Western

Students of astrology will usually learn aspects from more than one of these traditions to understand their effect and to provide more well-rounded interpretations of celestial movements and their impact on the world and its people. This will extend the period of study, but it can be more rewarding and more empowering.

Follow the link to learn the answer to the question can astrology predictions go wrong.

Which Part of Astrology Is Hard?

The main part of astrology is concerned with aspects, the interactions between planets. All planets in astrology have certain traits, but their relationships are some of the most critical factors in their interpretation, along with the sign they are in at any given time. 

Aspects are the hardest part of astrology to learn. They are determined by the planets’ angles in relation to each other when the reading is being done. Aspects require an understanding of mathematics that will allow insight into how to calculate the angles to provide as relevant an interpretation as possible.

There are five main planetary aspects that astrologers take into consideration to make interpretations, and they are all decided by the angles between planets:

  • Conjunction: This occurs when two or more planets are at an angle of 0° between them, or as close to it as possible. 
  • Trine: This aspect happens when two or more planets have an angle of 120° between them.
  • Sextile: The aspect when planets are 60° apart from each other.
  • Square: Occurs when planets have a 90° angle between them.
  • Opposition: This happens when planets are facing each other at a 180° angle.

All five aspects have different interpretations and symbolic importance. If you have the opportunity to view your birth chart, you’ll see all the degrees indicating angles on it. This is the same for any astrological chart because aspects are hugely important in providing relevant interpretations.

Hard and Easy Aspects

When studying aspects, you’ll quickly see that they carry different connotations. The trine and sextile angles are referred to as the easy or gentle aspects because they usually provide more positive and harmonious interpretations. They generally indicate that at the time of this angle between certain planets there is more potential for happiness.

The square and opposition aspects represent negativity, struggle, and difficulty during the time that the two or more planets remain at that angle. These are known as hard aspects, and they are more aggressive than their counterparts, but correctly interpreting them can help shed light on specific situations.

You may notice that we haven’t mentioned conjunctions yet. That is because they are considered neutral aspects as they can go either way depending on other conjectures affecting them. They do not have a positive or negative meaning on their own, but the relationship between the planets involved will decide how they will be interpreted.

Conjunctions will always provide an intense relationship between planets, no matter the context. This shows you how important it is for astrologers to understand not only that aspects are essential to the interpretation, but also to know all the intricacies of how planets can relate with each other. 

This is what makes aspects the hardest part of astrology, and also the most vital part to know.

How Hard Is It to Be an Astrologer?

Being an astrologer can be challenging. To achieve a level where you would be able to do this professionally, you will have to take the time to study many complex systems, as well as the history that has shaped them. 

The standard parts of astrology study include learning and understanding planetary positions and how important the angles between them are, in-depth insight into the overall history of astrology, and the practice of creating and interpreting birth charts and other astrological charts. These are only a few of the things you will be asked to know as an astrologer.

Adding to this, you will also need to know at least one school of astrology. While it is recommended to look at more than one when you are studying, you won’t have to be an expert in all of them. You will be able to choose your preferred style and focus on it.

Factors That Make Astrology Hard To Learn

Several elements add to astrology’s complexity, which can make the studying experience longer and more arduous. Here are some of the most commonly-encountered ones:

  • The aspects: As you’ve seen above, aspects can be incredibly intricate, especially because you will have to know everything about the planets involved to understand how the positions between them can affect interpretations. You will also need to know every type of aspect, even beyond the five main ones.
  • The placements: Birth charts tend to use three main placements to interpret personalities. These are the sun, moon, and rising signs. These signs will, in turn, be affected by planetary interaction in different houses. You will have to know how all these layers relate to one another to provide correct analyses.
  • The variables: As an astrologer, you will have to be in control of your knowledge even though most of the elements involved in the study can vary at any given time based on infinite contexts. It is not a hard science in any way, and you will have to gather as much information as possible to be able to adapt to its changing nature.

How Can You Get an Astrology Certification?

Whether or not you will need official certifications or qualifications to be a professional astrologer will depend on your country of residence. In India, astrology is a significant spiritual study and very closely connected to religious life. There, you will need to prove your expertise, but in different ways than in other countries.

In the United Kingdom and many other countries in Western Europe, you would not be able to be a professional astrologer without an official license. However, in the United States, you don’t need any type of license to receive clients.

It is recommended to still get one, even in countries that don’t require it. An official qualification as an astrologer will prove that you have enough expertise to do the work, and it will have the added advantage of getting you more clientele.

If you’d like to get certified in the United States, you can either get one through the American Federation of Astrology by turning in the required amount of coursework or by taking the ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) competency exam. 

The ISAR competency exam is a grueling examination process that includes the following sections:

  • A combination of true/false and multiple-choice questions about the history of astrology, symbolism, astronomy, and proven knowledge of how birth chart calculations work
  • Short-answer questions on a variety of astrology topics, from history to practice
  • Essay-type questions that involve interpretation of sections from different types of charts

Being ready for the ISAR competency exam can take years of study and preparation. Many astrologers only take it to add to their repertoire, and after some years of having astrology as a profession to get the right expertise for it.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Astrology?

On average, learning astrology will be a life-long process. It is impossible to study the complexities of millennia of history in only a few years. However, you will be able to practice astrology professionally while still learning from the cases that the job brings you.

To learn the basics of astrology, you will usually need at least a year, but that can extend to four years of continuous study. This timeframe will get you enough knowledge and practice to be able to start a career as an astrologer.

This timeline can vary depending on your location and preferred branch of study, but most astrologers will recommend the four-year period of study before you try to do it professionally as your main job.

While degrees in astrology are not certified by the most prominent educational institutions, you can still apply to be part of one. These degrees will give you some qualifications and certifications that are recognized in the field by other astrologers, but most importantly, they will give you in-depth knowledge from experts.

Should I Learn Astrology?

If you have a passion for divination, interpretation, and planetary movements, you should learn astrology. It’s also a great idea for people who are entrepreneurs. Having astrology as a job requires a lot of knowledge about the field, but also about running your own business. It is far from a typical job and can require a lot of flexibility and networking.

If you are fascinated by the potential that celestial bodies have on influencing the fates of humankind, this can be the right field for you.

How Do I Start Learning Astrology?

Once you’ve decided to delve into the field of astrology, you should check the best way to do it in your country. This can include online classes, mentorships, degrees, and in-person courses. You can also reach out to astrology institutions or boards in your area to see what information they can offer you to help you start this journey. 

Decided to learn astrology but don’t know how, then follow the link for the steps to start studying astrology and start your journey.


Learning astrology can be hard, but it can also be a rewarding experience, as long as you know what to expect from this path.